In this wonderful 10 minute video from Mooji, he focuses on helping us to understand the “Nothing” that we are and that everything that appears (including the person you think yourself to be) is purely phenomenal and created through the mind and the play of consciousness.
In this five minute video clip from Mooji, he explains that the “I Am”, the sense of being, is the one who identifies with the body as a separate self and can create the illusion that it is “suffering”.   However, the whole point of Satsang is to remind us that this “I Am” does NOT have to identify and can remain as pure presence emanating pure joy, love and understanding.
In this super short video from an interview with Mooji, he responds to questions about satisfaction, wants, desires, and simplicity of life.  Even though we can see in this interview that a seed existed within him to move from England, we also can see that there was no plan, no goal, only a contentment for living for the moment, and yet life has brought him to Monte Sahaja and an entire community built around him.
In this 7 minute video, Mooji explains that in life anything can happen such as feelings of vulnerability, fear, weakness, helplessness and so forth which is perfectly fine as long as we don’t panic and just “Let It Be”.  When we don’t identify and surrender to these moments, they can be some of the beautiful moments as well as a great portal into amazing insight.
In this 11 minute clip from an interview with Amy Torres, Mooji explains that there is nothing other than “Awareness” and that “Awareness” in the body becomes “I Am” which can take many shapes. He then goes on to explain the different positions that “I Am” can take. For the full version of this video, please click here.
In this 10 minute clip from an interview with Amy Torres, Mooji explains that with one twist of consciousness we can shed the poison of personhood (which is not needed anyway) and what is left is the ever shining light of the pure “self”, pure consciousness, pure Awareness and pure Love. For the full version of this video, please click here.
This excellent 7 minute video clip contains everything that one needs to know to understand and assimilate what is called the “Truth”.  Mooji explains the unreality of the “person” and the true nature of our being as consciousness (I Am) as the pure undiluted expression of the Absolute.
In this 7 minute video, Mooji offers a response to those who truly want to be free but are afraid to loose the “me” that they feel they are because they enjoy being this “me”.
In this 10 minute video, Mooji explains that often when one feels drawn to the truth, the mind wants to run in the other direction. Mooji explains the reason for this and emphasizes that if your choice is for truth, then the whole universe supports you.
In this video from Mooji, he explains that the mind grows because we are not aware of our own power. We feel that the mind has got the power — but the power is coming from the true “Self” and the only way to defeat the mind games is abiding in our silence of being.
In this very short 4 minute video, Mooji offers a very practical approach for using inquiry to deal with fear.
In this super short clip from Mooji, he reminds us that realization is only a twist of consciousness away. At any moment, especially during Satsang, anyone that is genuinely searching for the truth can instantaneously experience this twist.
In this amazing, intimate and spontaneous sharing from Mooji, we can experience his love and wisdom as he shares a wonderful story which makes us realize that we need not let our past keep us from realizing who we are.
In this lovely 10 minute video clip from Mooji, he has a wonderful one-on-one breakthrough with a seeker. Mooji explains that he is not trying to be the self and that some superficial conditioning will always remain but that it has no importance, no power, no authority, no pulling power or commanding force, therefor it is like nothing. Only the “Self” remains.
In this very short 4 minute video clip from an interview with Mooji, he explains that even after true seeing occurs the mind may come back looking for business, but it is of no consequence because the “Self” still remains as it always has. Listen to what Mooji says about when the mind comes back…
In this short 5 minute video, Mooji is asked about the possibility to serve humanity from the highest state of being? In his reply he explains that we (humanity) is just a concept created by the mind because in reality there is ONLY ONE. This highest state of being is not concerned with serving humanity – it doesn’t know the notion of humanity. It only loves, and everything is taken care of by it.
In this super short clip from an interview, Mooji explains that when we start to wobble in our transformation and feel like we are about to lose our true position, we just need to remember to stay as the observer.
In this short video, Mooji explains that after realization there is a crucial time period where we need to remain extremely vigilant to detect the efforts of the mind to creep back in and identify once again. In other words, once “Realization” has taken place, the mind identity will not instantly give up and die. It will come back again over and over until a maturity comes and permanently drives away the psychological self.
In this 5 minute clip from Mooji, he explains what he calls his Piranha question, “Can the Perceiver be Perceived?” We have often heard Mooji bring up this question and in response to a inquiry he explains a bit more about the reason and intent of this question.
In this video, Mooji spends 7 minutes pointing in only one direction. He reminds us to keep our attention only in our original place where there is no “person” in residence until we realize that we’ve been searching for the place from which we are. Listen to Mooji and discover what God looks like…
In this 9 minute video filmed on one of his morning walks in Portugal, Mooji explains that we only need to return our attention back to our true position prior to consciousness. He goes on to explain that EVERYTHING in the waking state is phenomenal and flows out from consciousness and that as the “Self” our true position is on the apex between the Absolute and Consciousness.
In response to an inquiry from a seeker, Mooji explains that the correct relationship between the psychological mind and the “Self” is that the “Self” can live without the mind but the mind cannot live without the attention of the “Self”. In other words, the “Self” is the master and yet it has become the slave of the mind. Isn’t time to take back your power? Listen to Mooji’s words…
In this 6 minute video, Mooji responds to a devotee who says that she has seen that she is only “That” but it seems like the mind sometimes comes back even stronger and what she can do. Mooji explains that this is a form of detox and that it may take some time to work through old conditioning.
In this video, Mooji explains that beneath the stain of the ego identity lies the infinite being that we are and that we must use Satsang for nothing other than to completely remove this illusion so we may shine bright in our own being of peace, love and grace.
In this very short video, Mooji expresses that the “me” also has the power to observe, but it is observing with self interest which causes struggle. When “I am” is the perceiver there is no struggle and no effort to understand.
In this 8 minute video, Mooji gives us some reminders to help us for when the mind comes back.
In this 10 minute video, Mooji explains that once we have had a glimpse of the “Truth”, the ego will do everything in its power to make sure it does not lose control (or its illusion of control). This is when it is most important to stay vigilant and recognize all the ways the ego is trying to maintain control and respond with surrendering to the heart completely.
In this 9 minute video, Mooji explains that true silence is not really something you do or strive for, it is who you are. He goes on to provide a deep look at silence…