Mooji Moment: Don’t Let Your Past Keep You From Realizing Who You Are

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In this amazing, intimate and spontaneous sharing from Mooji, we can experience his love and wisdom as he shares a wonderful story which makes us realize that we need not let our past keep us from realizing who we are.

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Adieshanti says:

You light up my life l am here lm laughing lm crying lm dancing deliver this one.

Joanne says:

hahaha Moojï adds a lot of details that are not in the Bible Luke 15:11 !!! hahaha. I liked too the parable of The Prodigual Son. To me this parable says we are to live in the generosity of what is and not have my life be about being nice rightiously. Nice is by default in generosity. There is no: I that has to be nice, we are, I am. How generous can generosity be!!??? It takes the crap out of life to embrace that. Thanks Moojï for this enjoyment of the parable of The Prodigual Son. Love us.

Melissa Baus says:

Oh Mooji, thank you, this was just the story I needed to hear today!
I always say the same thing.. “I love when the power goes out”! When our power would go out, we would lose our water source..having well water. Which makes it a little more challenging, if having to go several days without power. Yet, our gas stove worked, all we needed was there. As a married couple, there was so much more there for us without electricity, than any day with.. : (

Jean Mclennan says:

I have heard this story so many times before, always taking it literally, but today Mooji, I understood it for the first time.

letygrace says:

you are my inspiration love when a mail comes in and it’s you dear ❤️Mooji️❤️

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