In this beautiful 13 minute video, Mooji reminds us that when he is talking to us he is talking to “Consciousness” or “Presence” and NOT to the person you think yourself to be. It is extremely important to remember this during all Satsangs so that the mind doesn’t falsely identify with what is being said. Let’s set the “person” aside and listen to this video in “presence”…
In this great little 12 minute video, Mooji discuses some issues surrounding personal relationships and how important it is not to have expectations on how things are suppose to go in a relationship. The more expectations we have, the more potential conflicts we have the possibility of encountering. Let’s listen to Mooji’s advice…
In this great little 10 minute video clip, Mooji responds to the very common issue of smoking weed (pot, hash, cannabis). This young lady says that she feels so guilty for doing it and doesn’t know what to do. Let’s listen to Mooji’s response…
In this brilliant 4 minute reminder, Mooji invites us to stop cowering or running away from our fears and face them head on. Let’s listen to Mooji describe how we can do this…
In this lovely little 4 minute video, Mooji explains that often when seekers finally have a realization about their true nature, the euphoria generated by such an event almost always leaves us. That is why it is so important to make a small amount of effort being vigilant until our power of “Attention” becomes one with the self. Let’s listen to Mooji’s advice…
In this powerful 4 minute audio clip, Mooji helps us understand why the mind has a tendency to interpret and judge, and what we can do about it. Let’s listen to Mooji’s wise advice…
In this 5 minute video, Mooji reminds us that before we entertain helping others that are suffering, we must first find the sufferer within ourselves so that we may realize that the sufferer is an illusion. If you’ve ever felt compelled to help others, then this video is for you…
In this 4 minute reminder, Mooji helps remove the obstacles to the self by showing us that nothing real can come between you and your core being. Let’s listen how Mooji explains how we are just one mind twist away from freedom…
In this fantastic 9 minute video filmed on one of his walks, Mooji tries to help us see that the “problems” we experience in our lives and take to be so important, are really not based on reality but rather on stories that our minds have created. Let’s listen to Mooji’s advice on a better way…
In this fantastic 90 second reminder, Mooji provides the key to stepping out of the games of the mind. Let’s take a quick peek…
In this inspiring 5 minute video, Mooji responds to a seeker who is afraid that if she looses the “person” she believes herself to be, that she will become boring and will end up being alone. Let’s listen to Mooji’s reply…
In this great little 5 minute video, Mooji responds to a seeker who says they are leaving their current life to go in search of the “Self”. Mooji explains that even Nisargadatta Maharaj did something similar but the fact is that there is no reason to go anywhere to realize the “Self”. Let’s listen…
In this inspiring mini (6 Min) spontaneous interview, Mooji is asked “What is your message for the world?”. Mooji shares with us the highest wish inside our hearts and a simple tool to help us stay in that place… let’s listen…
In this 4 minute audio, Mooji explains that the way of the mind is to focus on many things but that the way of the Beingness is to focus on ONE thing until it has settled in your heart and become experiencially realized within. Let’s listen to these wise words…
In this great little nine minute audio clip, Mooji helps us see all the ways that the mind tries to hold us hostage and how we surrender to its allure and suffer without realizing that we could free ourselves at any moment. Let’s listen…
In this great little seven minute audio from a podcast, Mooji explains that it is imperative for us to merge our sense of separateness into the wholeness which is, and that mantras and meditation can help you to “unform” you as a separate entity. Let’s sit back and listen…
In this thirteen minute clip of Mooji appearing on an interview with Lilou Mace, he shares with us his favorite “I AM” practice. He explains how this practice can help us shed the shackles of the mind and increasingly experience the love and peace within each and every one of us. Let’s listen… For those of you that may be interested in Part 1 & 2, please click here.
In this AWESOME thirty minute audio, Mooji responds to a seeker saying that there seems to be a wall standing in the way of freedom, and would like to know what needs to happen to tear down that wall. I don’t normally post videos of this length but this special moment is so important for those who feel blocked that I had to include it. Let’s listen to Mooji’s inspired response…
In this lovely ten minute video, Mooji reminds us that although we are pure harmony itself, that doesn’t mean we’re not going to experience tension, doubt and confusion from time to time. Let’s listen to Mooji’s advice on what to do when this happens…
In this great little four minute reminder, Mooji explains that we should always stay totally fresh, even when the mind would like to repeat a particularly sweet moment that we enjoyed. Let’s listen to Mooji’s words of wisdom on remaining focused on what Is…
In this WONDERFUL seven minute spontaneous Satsang recorded on one of Mooji‘s walks, he reminds us why there seems to be a struggle with the ego during the process of Awakening and what we can do about it. Let’s listen to this awesome wisdom…
In this very important fifteen minute video, Mooji reminds us that emotional attacks or issues are actually very important for the realization of the self in that they provide the spiritual vitamins we need to build an unshakable longing for freedom. Let’s see how this works…
In this wonderful seven minute video, Mooji responds to an inquiry from a seeker who is experiencing great fear the closer she gets to the realization of the truth by explaining how to overcome our projections and fears, regardless of where the fears come from. Let’s listen…
In this great little two minute video, Mooji provides a tool to help us stop our busy daily activities and take a moment to re-center ourselves and our attention and take a break from all the noise of the mind and our surroundings. Let’s listen to this wonderful little exercise…
In this glorious thirteen minute video, Mooji speaks about not indulging the mind and learning to read the language of the vital force. This clip is filled with great wisdom and worth every minute to watch …
In this nine minute video, a devotee would like Mooji to pour his blessing onto her, as if this will magically transfer his Awakening to her and others in the room. Mooji tries to explain that this is not the way this works and that there is no magical short cut to Awakening. Let’s listen…
In this interesting five minute video, Mooji challenges a societal view that financial wealth equates to happiness and financial poverty equates to misery. Let’s listen as Mooji explains that its not as simple as it may seem…
In this GREAT little five minute video from an interview, Mooji gives us a very simple exercise that ANYONE can do to get back in harmony with our true inner being. This inner exercise is ideal upon rising and/or before sleep, and can also be used to regain harmony under a so called “mind attack”. Let’s listen to this life changing exercise …