In this Mooji video we are exposed to the fact that, “Through the ‘I am’, the presence of the Absolute is felt.”
In this Mooji video we are exposed to the fact that, "Through the 'I am', the presence of the Absolute is felt."
In this Mooji video we are exposed to the fact that, “Through the ‘I am’, the presence of the Absolute is felt.”
I am absolutely one with it. Thank you, thank you Mooji for the relentless pointing to this joy of existence.
‘Joyous Meeting’ <3 thank you, thank you, thank you <3
Thank you beloved Mooji, truly you take us by hand to find the source of Being itself, thank you
How grateful I am , thank you
In Stillness all things can be known.
Steps to Inner Knowing unites the mind you think with to the mind in us that knows.
It is not a matter of belief but a matter of recognition within.