Here’s another beautiful four minute video that was created by Lucia Lagana which combines music, very special images, and quotes from Mooji. This video focuses on realizing that you are already what you are searching for. Thank you Lucia!
In this 5 minute video from his home in Brixton, Mooji explains that people come to him with all types of questions wanting to hear a response from that place inside where he responds from, but what would be best is for the questioner to be in that SAME place so he may find the answers within himself and no longer need to ask an outside source. This video is about finding that place within you…
In this very short 2 and half minuted clip, Mooji reminds us that we are missing the obvious and helps point us in the right direction. This is a great, quick reminder when we need to get back on track.
This 7 minute video clip from Mooji focuses on all the different ways the mind can assign a list of jobs to do in order to be free, when in reality all that needs to happen is complete freedom FROM the mind. There are no obstacles to overcome, no hoops to jump through, no activity of any kind to realize the self. When one does not associate with ANYTHING, what remains? Listen to what Mooji has to say…
In this 9 minute video, Mooji is helping a seeker to dive deeper into herself to find who is asking all these questions. This video also contains at least three of the most classic approaches that Mooji uses to help devotees reclaim their beingness.
In this short 4 minute reminder from Mooji, he takes us back to our true “Self” by asking can the “Self” be witnessed phenomenally? Let’s listen to what Mooji has to say…
In this 5 minute video clip from Mooji, he addresses the question that many people have of possibly not being good enough to realize the Truth. If this is a thought that crosses your mind now and then, listen to what Mooji has to say…
In this 13 minute video, Mooji shows us how to summon the power of direct inquiry. For years we have placed great importance on the mind and the effects of conditioning. Not even Christ or Buddha could escape conditioning, and yet just like them we have the power to transcend it by following Mooji’s instructions for inquiry.
In this great 10 minute video from Mooji, he asks the question “If it was available right now, to recognize your true place, at ANY COST, would you take this opportunity?” This question is asked to help reveal the possible causes for your delay.
In this lovely 8 minute video, Mooji explains the journey of consciousness from being identified with a body, becoming dissatisfied with this relationship and its eventual seeking for freedom from its creation.
This beautiful four minute video was created by Lucia Lagana and combines music, images, and  quotes from Mooji.  This video focuses on opening your heart.
In this awesome 9 minute video clip from Mooji in July 2009, he explains that as we peal back the layers to the question “Who Am I?”, we eventually come to the realization that the answer can not be described with spoken words.
In this 9 minute video clip taken on one of Mooji‘s walks in Monte Sahaja, he shares with us the initial cause of suffering and offers a way out of suffering by returning our attention back to the that unbound space of being where the imagined self does not exist.
In this 6 minute video from Mooji, we see him patiently take a seeker one-on-one to a moment of clarity where the seeker is hit with a recognition of the truth. This clip is actually a continuation of another clip (click here to see) but it is not necessary to view them both as each clip stands on its own.
In this 7 minute video taped close to a decade ago, Mooji responds to a seeker who would like to know if the feeling “I Exist”, or what is called the “I Am”, the same as Awareness itself.  See what Mooji says about that and notice that his message has not changed one bit in all of that “time”. If you would like, this one-on-one session with this seeker continues here.
Here is a wonderful 12 minute guided meditation set to music from Mooji called “Be Here Now”. Just sit back, relax and enjoy!
In this super short video, Mooji reminds us that we are not the body, we are not our thoughts, and that being what we are requires no effort of any kind. Only the mind needs to struggle and overcome obstacles.
In this 8 minute video, Mooji responds to an extremely common question of how to deal with the death of a loved one, how to deal with being left by a loved one and how to deal with so much suffering and ignorance in the world.
In this 8 minute video, Mooji responds to a question about the animating presence within the body that is no longer present when the body has died and makes the distinction  between the pure “Self” and the dynamic “Self”.
In this 6 minute video we hear Mooji sing in devotion and share some personal thoughts on his relationship to God and views on duality and non-duality.
This amazing 9 minute video created by Lucia Lagana combines music, images, and quotes from Mooji, including a live video clip in which we find Mooji sharing words of wisdom.
In this very short, yet important video, Mooji starts out answering one question and ends up making a very, very important point about Awakening (Enlightenment).  Listen carefully to what Mooji is saying…
In this fantastic 8 minute video clip from an older Satsang, Mooji tries to help a seeker understand that she is Awareness itself and that there is NO “Who is going to retain Awareness?” or NO “How Can I remain in Awareness?” because there is no “who” and there is no “I” that can be Awareness.
In this eleven minute video clip, Mooji responds to an inquiry from someone who feels that they have realized the truth and yet can’t seem to get out of the shadow of the ego. Mooji then explains the residual effects of the ego and what to do to stay on course.
In this great 6 minute video from Mooji, he replies to a questioner asking “Why Does It Seem So Difficult to Overcome the Mind?”  Mooji uses a very simple metaphor to help us understand the answer to this very common and important question.
In this 8 minute video clip, a questioner says they have been coming to India for many years and yet they can’t seem to shake their bad habits and they want to know why.  See what Mooji has to say…
This beautiful four minute video was created by Lucia Lagana and combines music, images, and  quotes from Mooji.  This video focuses on reestablishing yourself in “Truth”.
In this 8 minute video clip from Mooji, a devotee feels like she has become a spectator to her life and often wonders if she is missing out on something.  Listen to what Mooji has to say in response…