In this 10 minute video clip of Mooji at the World Yoga Festival, he helps us to contemplate the question of having a higher purpose and what that higher purpose would be. Let’s listen in as Mooji shares the possibilities…
This six minute guided meditation from Mooji will help guide your attention back to your true self. Anyone can afford six minutes in exchange for freedom, so let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the golden message of truth and freedom.
Here is another wonderful 5 minute video created by Lucia Lagana combining music, images, and quotes from Mooji, including live video and audio clips in which we find Mooji sharing words of wisdom.
This is basically a fourteen minute guided meditation from Mooji that starts out by asking you to leave your mind at the door before you enter. Very beautiful and effective.
In this thirteen minute video, a seeker wants to know what she can do with bad memories and guilt from the past that keep coming up over and over again. Mooji responds by offering some gentle advice to try to lead her out of the identification with these thoughts.
In this six minute video, Mooji speaks about dealing with “spiritual arrogance” and why it can be a hindrance on your spiritual path to enlightenment. Mooji says that spiritual awakenings can lead to false pride and one has to watch this carefully, since this can happen very subtly. Let’s listen in on this interesting Satsang…
In this eight minute video clip from Mooji, he explains that most of the fear and suffering we experience as human beings are actually based of ghost stories recreated from memory by the mind. And then he provides some practical advice on not being overtaken by these illusions. Let’s listen in…
In this eight minute video clip, Mooji responds to an inquiry about how to deal with our monkey mind. This was the number one video on our site until we had to take it down because it was deleted, but now it is back so enjoy!!
Here is a very short, yet powerful video created by Lucia Lagana combining music, images, and quotes from Mooji. This video focuses on the realization what we ARE the Truth and that we can never NOT be the Truth.
In this great 12 minute video, Mooji uses a metaphor to help us understand that Realization (Awakening) is only one small twist of Consciousness away. It is not a matter of learning, or studying or trying to understand, but rather only a tiny twist in Awareness. Let’s listen to his wise words as he explains…
In this very amusing 10 minute video, Mooji tells the story of a squirrel and his master to demonstrate that once true freedom has been experienced, there is no way to go back to being satisfied by anything containing any form of bondage.
In this beautiful 12 minute video of an impromptu Satsang at Monte Sahaja, Mooji explains that for some reason a large percentage of seekers can not find a way to fully relinquish their relationship with the egoic mind which keeps them from ever realizing the Truth. Let’s listen in as Mooji explains…
Here’s a beautiful five minute video in which we find Mooji talking about the recognition of our essential self and using words to try to describe it, even though what we are is actually earlier than language itself.
In this 18 minute video from Mooji, he helps us understand depression. It starts with the realization that NOTHING can affect who we truly are, therefore depression is only another phenomenon that is witnessed by the Self. At the heart of this video is the realization that depression does not have to be overcome or transcended for the realization of the Self and that only by the realization of the Self can we put depression in its proper perspective.
Here is a very short, yet powerful video created by Lucia Lagana combining music, images, and quotes from Mooji. This video focuses on winning yourself back from the grip of delusion.
In this 10 minute video, Mooji is the master storyteller as he tells us the story of “The Zen Monk” which demonstrates the “Divine Game” where life shows us the areas where our mind can trap us into its ability to dominate us.
In this short 5 minute video, an inquiry comes in wanting to know how it is possible for the “Self” (or infinite awareness within us) be confused by the mind. Mooji starts out by explaining that in actuality, it is not possible for the infinite Self to be confused and that all of the confusion is actually part of the dream. Let’s listen closely to what Mooji has to say…
In this short 5 minute video, a devotee describes in a letter what it is like to experience a moment in life from the center of one’s Buddha nature. Mooji is very pleased and explains that such a letter can only come from a heart of pure innocence and joy.
In this 8 minute video, Mooji replies to an inquiry saying that when she goes out into the world and interact, she feels like she temporarily gets lost in others and wants to know what she can do about it. Let’s listen in on Mooji’s reply…
This 10 minute animation was created from a 20 foot long hand drawing that took one year to complete. The text is an ancient sanskrit advaita vedanta wisdom, which has been almost unknown even in India for centuries. Its title means: the song of the naked one, the sage that got rid of ideas and identification and sings out of bliss. Its backbone is the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet, which are spread like seeds of meaning among the infinite canvas of random facts. Living beings are linked by secret strands of DNA. This movie shows one possible wandering
In this very short two minute video from Mooji, he responds to an inquiry about the meaning of being committed “All the Way” as it applies to the discovery of the Truth.
Very often the mind is looking for a solution or a course of action to life’s circumstances long before it is TRULY necessary. In this fourteen minute video, Mooji explains that these seemingly pressing matters normally stem from fear or some kind of projection from the mind as to how things should be. Let’s listen in on the solution to these seemingly real circumstances…
Here is a very short, yet powerful video created by Lucia Lagana combining music, images, and quotes from Mooji. This video focuses on the question, “Who is living inside this body? You or God?”
In this 7 minute video, Mooji explains that no matter what life circumstance one has to live with, having the ability to discern between the mind and what watches the mind is all that is needed to realize the Truth. Let’s listen in…
In this 9 minute video from Mooji, a seeker says that she feels that she has gone into presence and now wants to know how she can go into the Absolute. Mooji explains that the Absolute is your essential being, therefor to ask, “How do I go into the absolute?” is a question based on a misunderstanding. Let’s listen in on how Mooji explains…
In this 5 minute video clip, a questioner wants Mooji to confirm her understanding of the Self as emptiness so that she can be 100% without doubt and finish her search forever. Mooji responds by explaining that as far as the mind goes, there are no guarantees and no way to guarantee that doubts will never come. Let’s listen in on Mooji’s brilliant answer…
In this 7 minute video clip, Mooji explains that most are suffering the illusion of separateness because of their mistaken identity and that after Awakening, one can actually enjoy the illusion of separateness and duality. In either case, NO ONE can escape the play of consciousness in duality.
Here is another wonderful 6 minute video created by Lucia Lagana combining music, images, and quotes from Mooji, including live video and audio clips in which we find Mooji sharing words of wisdom.