In this super short four minute video moment with Mooji, he explains that Self-Awareness is the nemesis of the Ego and that the more self aware we become, the weaker the ego’s influence can be. Let’s listen the master put it into words…
In this super short four minute video moment with Mooji, he explains that Self-Awareness is the nemesis of the Ego and that the more self aware we become, the weaker the ego's influence can be. Let's listen the master put it into words...
In this super short four minute video moment with Mooji, he explains that Self-Awareness is the nemesis of the Ego and that the more self aware we become, the weaker the ego’s influence can be. Let’s listen the master put it into words…
Thank You So Much
Om Namah Shivaya.
Not affordable to join, in the present.
So, Thank You
Moji never asks you to pay
Thank you…Thank you!
I’m sending this to my hubby Jeff emoji is awesome. We’re gonna meet him mooji in Jamaica Portugal somewhere I can feel it Jeff is gonna love him. I thinkwherever he is at the time he could be the minister that Mary‘s house Mary MARRYS2 peoplem
Oh.M Nama Shiva YA God is with me tonight. I’m in love. My prayers have been answered. I believe husband after 50.
Shiva is just another name for God. The all encompassing heavenly love that is not ego.