In this six minute video, Mooji speaks about dealing with “spiritual arrogance” and why it can be a hindrance on your spiritual path to enlightenment. Mooji says that spiritual awakenings can lead to false pride and one has to watch this carefully, since this can happen very subtly. Let’s listen in on this interesting Satsang…
Thank you , Mooji, for this powerful insight!
I never thought of myself as arrogant but now realize that I’ve often been arrogant, never realizing how much this stands in the way of seeing the truth and having a feeling of belonging and connection.
Thank you Mooji.
God says Learn and follow me about all humility.He Gives spiritual power to those who practices according to His will and by any chance got The power and use it otherwise
God the only Giver of Spiritual grace will take it back and still add to those who deserves .
God bless for this important insight.
I felt the importance of remembering who is the doer in this body. Timely reminder.