In this 5 minute video clip, Mooji responds to a very common question from a seeker that wants to know, “Who is the one that is seeing the witness?” Let’s sit back, relax and listen to Mooji’s response…
In this super short three minute audio clip, Mooji reminds us that first we must realize the perceiver at the root of all perceiving and then answer the question, “Can the perceiver be perceived?”. Let’s listen…
In this wonderful little five minute video, Mooji helps make it clear the purpose of inquiry as the discovery that we are not the movements or objects we conceive, but rather the Awareness of all that appears to be happening to us. Let’s sit back, close our eyes, and listen…
In this amusing twelve minute Mooji video, a devotee says that she has reached a state where she is very happy and content and feels no need for further inquiry, yet she still has a deep recurring longing within her. Mooji explains that this means that the job is not finished. Let’s listen…
In this super nine minute video, Mooji helps us to realize that the witnessing experienced by the “I Am” is itself witnessed by “something” prior to the “I Am”. This is Awareness is without cause or location and can not be explained or described in words and yet is the answer to the question “Who Am I?”. Let’s listen to Mooji’s explanation…
In this quick little four minute video, Mooji reminds us that the mind can keep us searching for all kinds of things in life but that truly it is YOU that you are searching for. Let’s listen…
In this short five minute video, Mooji responds to a letter asking him to talk about a quote from the Isha Upanishad that says, “Who sees all beings in himself and himself in all beings knows no fear”. Mooji reminds us that the answer lies in discovering the very root of our own being.
In this impromptu twelve minute audio, Mooji invites us to contemplate whether the one who receives this advice is with form or without form. Let’s listen in on some of Mooji’s spur of the moment sharing of wisdom…
In this nine minute video filmed on one of Mooji‘s walks, he explains very clearly how psychological suffering works and how we can quickly detect the symptoms and bring our attention back to the self.
In this twelve minute moment with Mooji captured on film in Monte Sahaja, he explains that in our inner most being there is no room for two. Either you (ego, person) are there or God (consciousness, awareness) is there. There is no room for two. Let’s listen and try to understand the deepest meaning of what is being said…
Here’s a great six minute video clip taken from one of Mooji‘s Satsangs in which he reminds us of our true position and how to identify that which is only coming and going. Let’s reflect with Mooji…
In this special little five minute clip, Mooji explores the questions, “How is it possible to see life as it really is?” and “How to empty yourself of your own conditioning?” This clip could also be used as a great little five minute meditation as well. Let’s listen…
In this very inspired five minute video from Mooji, he impresses upon us over and over again that our true nature is “Prior to” anything and everything. Here Mooji explains what he means by that…
In this wonderful two and a half minute reminder, Mooji‘s pointings put us on a course to direct understanding, direct realization. Let’s listen…
In this beautiful four minute video from an interview with Mooji, he attempts to describe with words what we should be looking for in our search for the true “Self”, and points out some potential misunderstandings along the way in order to recognize them.
In this mini five minute Satsang given on one of his walks, Mooji responds to an inquiry asking “I would like this to be my last life”. Mooji explains that these types of statements start off as a misunderstanding and that “Awakening” necessarily eliminates the one concerned with reincarnation. Let’s listen in as Mooji explains…
In this 10 minute audio clip, Mooji helps a seeker differentiate between the “I Am”, the “One Who Sees the I Am” and the “Eternal Being”. This video can help clear things up for many, so let’s listen in as Mooji shares the “Truth” with us all…
In this eight minute video clip from Mooji, he explains that most of the fear and suffering we experience as human beings are actually based of ghost stories recreated from memory by the mind. And then he provides some practical advice on not being overtaken by these illusions. Let’s listen in…
In this eight minute video from Mooji, a questioner wants to know if she can help or speed up her self inquiry using other practices such as Asana, Pranayama Meditation or other forms of Yogas and practices. Listen to Mooji’s surprising answer…
In this 12 minute video, Mooji responds to three of the most common questions coming from the ego. If I am already the “Self”, why don’t I know it? Once I realize the “Truth”, what will my experience be like? Since only the real exists, does it really matter whether I awakened or not? Let’s listen in on Mooji’s replies….
In this 8 minute video, a questioner explains to Mooji where she is in her self-inquiry and wants to know if she is headed in the right direction towards the “Truth”. Let’s listen in as Mooji shares his wisdom…
In this 5 minute video, Mooji replies to a question from a seeker wanting to know how long it is going to take for the answer (realization) to come. Mooji responds by explaining that as long as the validity of the question and questioner remains, Realization will not occur.
In this 6 minute video, Mooji explains the first monumental discovery. Those who have this discovery for themselves often wonder what is next, or where to go from this discovery, but Mooji explains that there really isn’t any other discovery to be made.
In this 10 minute video, Mooji discusses that in getting closer to the truth of our existence, the mind will start to feel that this may be the end of its existence and begins to wonder things like “How will I live?”, “Who will take care of my family or kids?”, “How will I be able to work or relate to the rest of the world?”. Lets see what Mooji has to say… Click here for Part 1 of this particular clip.
In this 10 minute video from Mooji, he dives into a closer examination of the inner self to answer one of his all time favorite questions, “Can the Seer be Seen?” This question can be confusing for many because even the false sense of self can proclaim to be the seer until an even closer look reveals that even this can be seen. So, who are you? Let’s listen to what Mooji has to say… Click here for Part 2 of this particular clip.
In this 10 minute video from Mooji, he takes us back step-by-step from the person (the idea we have of who we are), all the way back to the ultimate seer where we are left with who we truly are. This is a great and simple reminder of who we are.
In this 9 minute video, Mooji is helping a seeker to dive deeper into herself to find who is asking all these questions. This video also contains at least three of the most classic approaches that Mooji uses to help devotees reclaim their beingness.
In this short 4 minute reminder from Mooji, he takes us back to our true “Self” by asking can the “Self” be witnessed phenomenally? Let’s listen to what Mooji has to say…