Always feel like you don’t have enough time to meditate? Here is a wonderful 4 minute guided meditation from Mooji called “You Are the Eternal Being”. Just sit back, relax and enjoy!
This nine minute video focuses on shedding the body/mind identification or at least seeing its unreality. Mooji explains that the body mind identification can only live through the power that we give it, whether knowingly or unknowingly.
This short five minute audio clip is from a super popular video clip that has been shortened to provide us with a quick reminder we can listen to often. This is a great little clip to listen to first thing in the morning to keep us on track for the rest of the day.
This beautiful five minute video was created by Lucia Lagana and combines music, images, and quotes from Mooji. This video focuses on realizing that there is no need to slow down the mind to realize our true nature.
In this eight minute compilation of audio clips Mooji reminds us that what we judge in others can be found within us and that all of these things are illusions to begin with. We do not choose to do this, we are not ignorant by choice. But once the ignorance is seen for what it is, there is no further action to be taken to transcend them.
In this special five minute video, Mooji shares his message of true love for world peace. Let’s all open our hearts with love for others and pray to bring about peace throughout the world.
In this 6 minute video, Mooji explains that although we feel as though the “I Am” is coming and going, in actuality it is only our power of “Attention” that seems to be coming and going.  And because we mistakenly identify with our power of attention, we believe that it is our self that is coming and going. Let’s listen to how Mooji explains it…
In this 7 minute video from Mooji, he explains that our true self is “prior to” any and all.  Because we are here to witness the “I am” is proof that we are prior to the “I am”.
In this 6 minute video, Mooji explains the first monumental discovery.  Those who have this discovery for themselves often wonder what is next, or where to go from this discovery, but Mooji explains that there really isn’t any other discovery to be made.
In this 11 minute video Mooji responds to three different questions: Why do I no longer have the fire for “Enlightenment”? I have the urge to be physically close to my Master but we are far apart, what to do? What is meant by “Nothing is happening”?
In this 7 minute video from many years ago, Mooji provides a deep Christmas message without delusions. If the statement “YOU are the Christ in Jesus” offends you, you may want to move on.  If it inspires you or intrigues you, then you will want to listen closely to every word of this very special message.
In this 5 minute video, Mooji explains that in order to escape the tyranny of the mind, we must decide that no matter what, we will not spend our life cowering to the mind and that there is no projection scary enough to remain as a puppet for the mind. This video clip is related to this clip.
In this six minute video clip, Mooji responds to a questioner that says that as soon as her eyes open in the morning she is bombarded with thoughts and no matter what she tries it is a constant battle playing itself out in her head and desperately wants to know what she can do about it. Mooji offers simple, effective advice… This video clip is related to this clip.
In this 10 minute video, Mooji discusses that in getting closer to the truth of our existence, the mind will start to feel that this may be the end of its existence and begins to wonder things like “How will I live?”, “Who will take care of my family or kids?”, “How will I be able to work or relate to the rest of the world?”.  Lets see what Mooji has to say… Click here for Part 1 of this particular clip.
In this 10 minute video from Mooji, he dives into a closer examination of the inner self to answer one of his all time favorite questions, “Can the Seer be Seen?”  This question can be confusing for many because even the false sense of self can proclaim to be the seer until an even closer look reveals that even this can be seen. So, who are you?  Let’s listen to what Mooji has to say… Click here for Part 2 of this particular clip.
This beautiful five minute video was created by Lucia Lagana and combines music, images, and quotes from Mooji. This video focuses on moving from intellectual understanding to understanding with the heart.
In this powerful three minute video, Mooji expresses that any reason that is offered for not realizing the truth is not true. He says, “When you speak all of these things, I don’t accept it… and I don’t believe you also… it’s not true… I don’t believe you.  Each time I meet you, I see you as the “Lord” itself.”
In this short five minute video clip from Mooji, he answers a very common question that many are hung up on for years and years.  How do I know when it is the mind or not the mind?  Listen very carefully to what Mooji says and if you like, use the comment section below to write your understanding of the response to this question.
In this very short four minute video Mooji reminds us that even the most noble questions are not coming from you. It’s really quite simple.  The true you is not capable of entertaining questions.  Therefore, any questions one may have come from a separate illusory self which is itself the only remaining obstacle to freedom.  Listen to what Mooji says…
In this 10 minute video, a long time devotee explains that he feels that in order for him to feel completely whole and fulfilled he has a need to find a love, a partner. He also says that he knows this is not true but that this vasana seems to be incredibly persistent and won’t go away. Listen to Mooji’s response…
In this 6 minute video, Mooji responds to a super common question about finding love or finding a life partner. He explains that placing too much importance on this can cause us to go through a lot of suffering going from one relationship to the next and offers a better way to approach this issue.
This amazing 10 minute video from Mooji helps us to see clearly that intention, want and desire is the most common source of our suffering. He also explains why it seems that the fulfillment of our desires brings us joy, when in reality it is only a very temporary period when we stop suffering the desire. To view the entire “Kissing Frog” video discussed in this video, please click here.
This video clip from Mooji is 18 minutes long, but if you have ever wondered why there are starving and sick children and all of the atrocities happening in this world, then you may want to invest a few minutes to see Mooji’s perspective to these very common questions.
In this powerful 4 minute reminder, Mooji explains that when only pure seeing (what you are) remains, then there is no distortion from the mind. There is only pure perceiving without any leaking of energy to wants, desires, expectations, anticipations, acceptance, rejection and no conditions to fulfill. This little video could make a great little daily reminder.
In this powerful 5 minute video, Mooji explains that Satsang is to help pull the curtains on what we imagine we are separate from and that realization is not a new belief system. Listen to Mooji’s simple words…
In this lovely little 6 minute video clip from Mooji, he reminds us to maintain a razor sharp inquiry so that we may realize our true position of being “prior” to anything that can be perceived or conceived.
In this very short 4 minute video clip taken from Mooji’s home in 2008, he reminds us that everything comes from emptiness and returns to emptiness. So, we as the witness of this are what? Listen to the words spoken by Mooji out of emptiness…
In this very short 4 minute video clip taken from Mooji‘s home in 2008, he reminds us about the need to make sure that we are not pursuing our IMAGINED version of the truth. This is extremely important because if we have an imagined version of what the “Truth” should be like, we may completely overlook the realization of it when the “Truth” is presented to us.