In this twelve minute video from an impromptu Satsang,  Mooji shares some thoughts about the many reasons why it can take so long for many to know the truth and most of all, “realize” the truth within themselves.
In this great little 6 minute video recorded on one of Mooji‘s walks, he talks to us about God and that no matter what we call God, there is nothing outside of God.  Let’s listen…
In this six minute video from Mooji, he offers advice on what to do when our attention seems to be alternating between mind and heart.  He explains that instead of trying to silence the mind, which is next to impossible, we can easily ignore the mind instead.  Let’s listen to Mooji’s explanation…
In this wonderful six minute Mooji moment filmed on one of his walks, Mooji helps us to understand why we feel like we get attacked by our minds and what we can do to help us deal with these attacks and transcend them.  Let’s listen in…
In this eight minute video from a Rishikesh, India Satsang recorded on Sunday, 12th March, 2017, Mooji expresses that perhaps it is time to examine the motive of our search (and practices) and take what we have absorbed in Satsang to walk through the door of Nirvana and flower into sage-hood.
This is a fourteen minute clip from Satsang at Monte Sahaja that took place on September 3rd 2017.  The main focus of this particular clip is reminding us about the play of the mind and our ability to escape the trappings of the mind by remaining in the Isness that we are.
Here’s a great six minute video clip taken from one of Mooji‘s Satsangs in which he reminds us of our true position and how to identify that which is only coming and going.  Let’s reflect with Mooji…
In this very short three minute video/audio, Mooji responds to the common question, “When will mankind come out of turmoil and conflict between ourselves?”  Let’s listen to some age-old wisdom…
In this beautiful 5 minute video filmed on one of Mooji‘s walks, he encourages us to take at least one break (more if possible) to just stop what we are doing to take a moment for ourselves in silence, joy and peace.
In this lovely six minute video clip, Mooji dives deep into the nature of our beliefs, how they work, how they create delusion and suffering and although they seem to shape our moment to moment experiences, they are truly only phenomenon that can be observed by the Isness of our existence.
In this fantastic ten minute video, Mooji responds to the question, “How to attain the state of blissfulness?” by taking us through the series of realizations that must take place until one’s inmost truth (Satguru) throws you out of yourself and enters your absence.
In this eight minute clip we find Mooji sharing the Truth on Skype.  He explains how we are the intelligent space that allows the play of duality to take place, while at the same time being the witness to all that is happening.  Let’s listen…
Here is a great little four minute clip that has been dug up from the archives to bring us a close look at the nature of Awareness, revealing the same message that Mooji has been bringing to light for years and years.  Let’s listen in…
In this ten minute video, Mooji helps us understand that the one that is without effort can be known as Being, Presence or Consciousness, but that these are still phenomenal in nature.  The one who is totally free (like a sage) is beyond even these concepts. Let’s listen to Mooji explain…
In this 10 minute video, Mooji explains that when we are deeply touched in Satsang, this can set off a tsunami of mental attacks from the ego/mind fighting for its survival. And it is at this point that we need to be most vigilant in remaining still and letting the mind play its games without surrendering to the temptation to once again identify with it.
In this seven minute audio, Mooji points us to the sacred place within us and helps us to identify and remove all of the weeds of the mind. This audio can also be used as a great short guided meditation.
We all have 10 minutes to spare. This guided meditation from Mooji in Satsang in London is less than 10 minutes long and will bring you back to yourself in deep peace, love and harmony.
In this short four minute video, Mooji reveals the truth about Karma being for the idea people have about themselves (the person) and not for the true Self.  He goes on to explain the illusion of Karma and its relationship to our illusory self.  Lets listen in as he offers his words of wisdom…
In this special little five minute clip, Mooji explores the questions, “How is it possible to see life as it really is?” and “How to empty yourself of your own conditioning?”  This clip could also be used as a great little five minute meditation as well.  Let’s listen…
In this eight minute video clip, Mooji talks about how much importance we place on our mind and how we let our minds dictate our lives.  He goes on to say how imperative it is for us to shake this trust in our minds before freedom can be fully realized within us.  Is your mind YOUR guru?  Lets listen and find out…
In this seven minute clip from a spontaneous talk in 2014, Mooji drives home the point that we must be diligent in realizing when we are letting the ego (or person-hood)  stand in the way of complete freedom.  Let’s listen and see if we can catch ourselves doing the exact thing Mooji is talking about…
In this short four minute moment from Mooji, he explains that even on a physical level, when you shine as the evidence of Truth, every cell rejoices and feels invigorated by the effects of joy, love and freedom felt within.
In this amazingly beautiful ten minute video clip from one of Mooji‘s Satsangs,  a woman explains that after facing breast cancer, she came to realize that disease is of no consequence to our innermost self.  Using a parable, Mooji demonstrates that immortality can not be found in the body itself, but rather in the recesses of our heart where the eternal has always been. is a wonderful 15 minute guided meditation from Mooji called “Remain as you are”.  Lets just sit back, relax and enjoy… this five minute video from Monte Sahaja,  Mooji explains that for many, their mind creations seem so real that they often find themselves being molested by their mind.  Let’s listen to Mooji as he helps us to laugh at the power we give to the unreal…
In this ten minute video, Mooji responds to a lady who has a desire to share what she has learned in Satsang and asks, “How Does One Get Started and Do You Think That a Woman Can Ever Be Accepted as a Master?”  Mooji responds that it has nothing to do with being a man or a woman but whether the desire to share (teach) comes from the mind or a movement of the universe.  Let’s see how Mooji explains it…
In this eight minute video, Mooji responds to the question, “Is It Possible to Experience Unconditional Love in a Romantic Relationship?”  Mooji explains that first it must start with a place of wholeness within you and that true unconditional love is not based on demands or expectations.
This thirteen minute audio clip is in response to a questioner who wants to know, “Have any of your devotees ever achieved enlightenment (awakening)?”  Mooji responds to this question and helps us differentiate between temporary moments of clarity and a time where what you know becomes what you are…