In this six minute clip, a participant says that she has realized that she can “do this” without Mooji, but that it makes her so sad to know this. Let’s listen to Mooji’s lovely and compassionate response…
In this lovely ten minute moment filmed on one of his walks, Mooji explains that humanity must go beyond person-hood in order to transcend all of the shortfalls of believing in such a delusion which is responsible for so much suffering in the world.
In this twelve minute moment with Mooji captured on film in Monte Sahaja, he explains that in our inner most being there is no room for two. Either you (ego, person) are there or God (consciousness, awareness) is there. There is no room for two. Let’s listen and try to understand the deepest meaning of what is being said…
In this nine minute audio clip from a Satsang in Monte Sahaja, Mooji speaks on the power of staying as the “Isness”. He reminds us that the mind is always trying to invite us into personal identification but remaining as the Isness allows us to just watch as the invitation comes and goes. Here is the link to the full version of this Satsang:
In this twelve minute video captured on one of his walks, Mooji shares his story of searching, discovering and understanding universality. He explains the urge within him that led him to the realization of the one and only self and the dissolution of the separate false entity we know as “me”.
In this five minute video, Mooji discusses how experiencing Satsang in the presence of a Sangha can be more effective and beneficial than just watching a Satsang online by yourself. Let’s listen to Mooji as he explains… To find out about a possible Sangha nearest you, please go to the following link: .
In this wonderful 17 minute audio from Monte Sahaja, Mooji offers some detailed practical advice on how to deal with negative emotions and mind attacks. Since this offers the answer to one of the most sought after questions, lets listen in very carefully to his advice…
This super short three minute video of a Skype Satsang from long ago is one who should be watched often as it deals with a reoccurring question and issue. Because of certain thoughts and beliefs that we hold, we often feel that there are many distractions that “take us away from our true Self”. In this video, Mooji reminds that nothing can ever take us away from what we are and why this is so. Let’s listen… Includes German translation.
In this ten minute video from 2013, Mooji explains that it seems as though our life is about what is happening on the outside, but in actually our life is about what happens on the inside and that the most auspicious aspiration we can have is to get to know our true nature. Includes German translation.
In this lovely little ten minute video, Mooji dives in to his “two bird” metaphor to reveal that the One that we are is actually beyond the active bird and the one that observes. Let’s clear our minds and absorb the pointing of this video… Includes German translation.
In this HILARIOUS eleven minute clip of Mooji, an inquiry comes in the form of a letter wanting to know the requirements needed to perform Satsangs and what to do to remain pure as the “Self” during the process of Satsang.
This five minute moment from Mooji was taken from one of his walks as he expresses that there is nothing of himself that he can call “Me” and that everything belongs to the “One”. Let’s enjoy his wisdom…
In this amazingly beautiful ten minute video filmed on one of Mooji‘s walks, he describes in detail why the Truth has plenty of room for appreciation and thankfulness and that appreciating what is behind All-That-Is and expressing gratitude does not step outside the understanding of non-duality. Let’s listen to Mooji’s pearls of wisdom…
In this nine minute clip of an informal gathering, Mooji responds to the question, “What if I am not destined to wake up?” and “Can there be destiny for the self?” Let’s listen carefully to his reply…
In this six minute video, Mooji delivers a special message for Guru Purnima 2016. Guru Purnima is a Nepalese and Indian festival dedicated to spiritual and academic teachers. This festival is traditionally celebrated by Hindus, Jains and Buddhists, to pay their respects to their teachers and express their gratitude.
In this impromptu eight minute video filmed on one of Mooji‘s walks, he responds to the question, “Is a teacher needed or recommended to help realize the self?” and also “How do I know who is the right teacher?”. Let’s listen to Mooji’s advice…
In this wonderful ten minute video clip from Mooji filmed in Brazil, he replies to the inquiry “When you wake up, what is your first experience?” He uses his reply to this question to show that nothingness always remains unchanged and that we are this nothingness (emptiness, space). German translation included (Click CC).
In this five minute video, Mooji responds to a questioner wanting to know why it seems that Mooji resides in a state of bliss. He explains how it is possible for one to experience bliss, even if one appears to be miserable. Let’s listen in to his explanation… German translation included (Click CC).
In this seven minute video, Mooji responds to a letter asking about God with a story of Papaji asking Ramana Maharshi, “Can you show me God?” Lets listen to Ramana’s reply…
In this lovely eight minute video clip from many years ago, Mooji responds to the question, “Is my will always an ego construct?” Considering most non-dual teachings about “will”, let’s listen in to Mooji’s surprising answer…
In this very funny video clip from a Sunday Satsang, Mooji tells a funny story to serve as a parable to demonstrate that living the truth means living spontaneously and not being afraid to respond to life’s invitation to discover our true nature.
In this wonderful five minute video, Mooji helps us realize how much we follow our thoughts to which we assign such validity that we keep on delaying the realization of something that we already are. Let’s listen in while a seeker comes to this realization…
For anyone who has been on a spiritual search for a length of time, we have all heard the saying that “The world is not real” which contradicts our senses that tell us otherwise. In this great seven minute video, Mooji explains the exact meaning of this statement. Let’s listen…
In this wonderful ten minute clip from Mooji, he explains that what he is pointing to may well be simple in nature, but can easily be missed because what he is talking about is even more subtler than space. It is only a matter of recognizing this space that has always been within us. Let’s listen to his explanation… Translated into Spanish.
In this nine minute video recorded from an intimate Satsang in Philadelphia (2006), Mooji explains that we must stand up to the tricks of the mind so that we may not settle for anything other than 100% freedom. Let’s listen to Mooji’s wise pointings…
In this eight minute video, Mooji explains that often our mental fears keep us living like sheep but that it is ok to feel fear, its ok to feel lost and feel this fully as long as we remain as the witness until it passes and you can finally say a complete “yes” to your true being. Includes Spanish translation.
In this great little six minute video from Mooji, he uses a short story from a TV show that serves as parable to realize that one can not create the “Truth” but rather that the Truth can only be revealed from shedding what is not true. Let’s listen in… Includes Spanish translation.
In this short four minute video, a participant explains that after hearing Mooji speak he had an awesome experience and realization, but that after a slight distraction the experience faded away. Here’s Mooji’s response…