In this great little 8 minute video clip, Mooji responds to an inquiry from a seeker who wants to know, “How do I let go of the attention itself?”  Mooji explains the nature of attention and how there is the ONE who is aware of our focus of attention. Let’s listen in…
In this wisdom filled 5 minute audio clip, Mooji describes living an unconditional life and that there’s no need to tie yourself to any condition. The state of perfection, which is your ‘effortless state’, is a joyful state.  He goes on to talk about having the best attitude of “I dont mind.”
Mooji explains that our perfume is freedom and that ultimately we are “That” which is Aware of all that is coming and going.  Since in the world of form, everything is coming and going, what is left is what never changes… let’s listen to how Mooji describes this…
In this 5 minute video clip, Mooji responds to a very common question from a seeker that wants to know, “Who is the one that is seeing the witness?” Let’s sit back, relax and listen to Mooji’s response…
In this 8 minute video, Mooji reads a letter from someone who writes that they cannot observe their thoughts, but continue to get overwhelmed. Mooji uses this opportunity for a powerful guidance to look and find out who this ‘me’ is, that gets overwhelmed by thoughts. This mistaken identity must be recognized as the root of these states of confusion and delusion. This video can also be used as a guided meditation.
In this eight minute video, Mooji responds to a very, very popular question about deep sleep, and where do we go in deep sleep?  Mooji explains that the Absolute, that Stateless State, within which all states [waking, dreaming, and deep sleep] are experienced, that pure consciousness that cannot be described and is always present.
In this FANTASTIC 8 minute video clip, Mooji explains that we are here to enjoy the exhibition of life in the world of form and that it is perfectly normal to want to experience what life has to offer.  Let’s enjoy the beauty of life with Mooji…
In this beautiful 13 minute video,  Mooji reminds us that when he is talking to us he is talking to “Consciousness” or “Presence” and NOT to the person you think yourself to be. It is extremely important to remember this during all Satsangs so that the mind doesn’t falsely identify with what is being said.  Let’s set the “person” aside and listen to this video in “presence”…
In this lovely 10 minute video, Mooji talks about a conversation between Nicodemus and Jesus, where Jesus explains how humans need to be “born again” to realize the Truth and what all that means. Let’s listen…
In this lovely short 7 minute video clip, Mooji responds to a seeker who wants to know that since the Isness can never be born and infinitely unchanging, why experience the body in the first place?  Let’s listen to Mooji’s reply…
This 14 minute guided meditation from Mooji will help guide your attention back to yourself in deep peace, love and harmony.  Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the ultimate message of truth and freedom…
This 35 minute guided meditation from Mooji will help guide your attention back to your true self.  Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the golden message of truth and freedom…
In this great little 12 minute video, Mooji discuses some issues surrounding personal relationships and how important it is not to have expectations on how things are suppose to go in a relationship.   The more expectations we have, the more potential conflicts we have the possibility of encountering. Let’s listen to Mooji’s advice…
In this wonderful little 2 minute reminder, Mooji helps us remember that human beings are a great vehicle for consciousness to contemplate itself.  Let’s take a couple of minutes to find our way back…
Here is an another wonderful four minute video in which Mooji drives home direct pointings of our true nature and be free from the tyranny of the imaginary self.  Let’s listen…
In this extremely powerful 8 minute reminder, Mooji explains that we do not forget the name that our parents gave to us, why then do we think we can forget that which accepted this given name? We have never truly forgotten that we are the child of God, we have just made a mistake in identity.  Let’s listen…
This seventeen minute guided meditation from Mooji will help guide your attention back to yourself in deep peace, love and harmony.  Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the ultimate message of truth and freedom…
In this well produced compilation, Mooji sheds light on issues such as “Lack of Inner Space”, “Meant to Be”, “Let it Be”, “Living by Trust” and much more.
In this great little 10 minute video clip, Mooji responds to the very common issue of smoking weed (pot, hash, cannabis). This young lady says that she feels so guilty for doing it and doesn’t know what to do. Let’s listen to Mooji’s response…
In this very short video, Mooji helps us understand the meaning of that “stateless state” he often calls emptiness.  Although emptiness cannot truly be defined (as it has no quality with which to define it), this video is a valiant attempt to illustrate that which cannot be illustrated.
In this brilliant 4 minute reminder, Mooji invites us to stop cowering or running away from our fears and face them head on. Let’s listen to Mooji describe how we can do this…
Here is another wonderful 5 minute video created by Lucia Lagana combining music, AMAZING images, and quotes from Mooji, including live audio clips in which we find Mooji sharing words of wisdom. Let’s kick back and soak it all in…
This audio clip is less than two minutes long, yet Mooji manages to remind us of the true meaning of love.
In this lovely little 4 minute video, Mooji explains that often when seekers finally have a realization about their true nature, the euphoria generated by such an event almost always leaves us. That is why it is so important to make a small amount of effort being vigilant until our power of “Attention” becomes one with the self.  Let’s listen to Mooji’s advice…
In this powerful 4 minute audio clip, Mooji helps us understand why the mind has a tendency to interpret and judge, and what we can do about it. Let’s listen to Mooji’s wise advice…
In this lovely little 3 minute video, Mooji tells a couple of short stories of Jesus, Abraham, and Moses to remind us that the sense “I Am” is not a person but rather the same essence as the Godly principle itself.  Let’s listen…
In this 5 minute video, Mooji reminds us that before we entertain helping others that are suffering, we must first find the sufferer within ourselves so that we may realize that the sufferer is an illusion.  If you’ve ever felt compelled to help others, then this video is for you…
In this super short 3 minute clip we find one of Mooji‘s most powerful messages to bring our attention back to the “Self”.  He reminds us of how we came to misidentify with a false sense of self and what is really going on behind the curtain of illusion. Let’s close our eyes and soak it in…