In this lovely 15 minute video, a questioner ask Mooji about romantic relationships. There isn’t a ton of material on this from Mooji so this audio is extra special. Let’s get started…
In this wonderful six minute audio from Mooji, he explains that the meaning of life is found when we understand our true reality. The true reality projects our internal reality to our external world. When we discover our purpose, we find that the meaning of life is simply to live toward our chosen purpose.
What comes before I ? What is watching this feeling of I? What is creating the I ? To all of this question we have to find answers, and when we do, the person that is looking for these answers will vanish. Let join together with Mooji in this amazing inquiry.
What is the final step ? How to dissolve identity ? How to go beyond Personhood ? Answer is the easier than you think – let go of the identity and just be. If you still struggling than do it together with Mooji in this beautiful Wisdom video.
In this simple and direct 6 minute video from Mooji, a simple breathing exercise is presented that brings the attention from a cluttered mind to the silence of the heart. It is followed by direct and clear guidance on how to deal with doubts arising and a strong sense of person-hood. Let’s get started…
In this lovely compilation, Rupert Spira & Mooji share their wisdom for enlightenment and the “direct path”. The message is presented with differences in vocabulary but completely the same in essence. Let’s join in…
Here is another wonderful 5 minute video created by Lucia Lagana combining music, AMAZING images, and quotes from Mooji, including live audio clips in which we find Mooji sharing words of wisdom.
What is belief ? Do we need to believe or we can know beyond belief ? Can we know ourselves without believing that we are something ? Let us find answers together with Mooji in this amazing 11 minute video.
The image, the idea about ourself is the source of our suffering. All the ideas that we have about us is that what is standing in our way of awakening. We must transcend the idea about ourselves. Let us do that together with this wonderful 15 minute video from Mooji.
In this lovely little 5 minute audio, a follower says that she missed seeing Mooji live twice but just had to get the material that she missed. Here is the great little compilation of what she found…
This hilarious 5 minute video is non-stop laughter as Mooji looses his composure and just can’t stop laughing at what becomes an increasing level of comedic circumstances. Get ready for a good laugh…
In this very short 8 minute video clip from an interview with Mooji, the interviewer would like for Mooji to clear up a famous quote from Jesus. Let’s listen to Mooji’s wise response…
In this uplifting Mooji video compilation, a simple breathing exercise is presented that brings the attention from a cluttered mind to the silence of the heart. It is followed by direct and clear guidance on how to deal with doubts arising and a strong sense of person-hood.
Here is a wonderful 13 minute video where Mooji describes our true essence. This video may be used as a guided meditation as well so lets get started.
In this interesting 11 minute video, a seeker says that she is full of pain and wants to know if it is possible for Love to also contain Pain.  Let’s listen to Mooji‘s wisdom on this…
In this lovely 15 minute old school video,  Mooji offers some deep insight into the nature of the mind and how we can learn how to master the mind instead of remaining a victim to it.  Let’s listen in now…
In this profound 11 minute guided meditation, Mooji offers sublimely simple yet immensely powerful guidance for all seekers of Truth. It transmits a sweet purity and deep silence, where the listener comes to effortlessly recognise their shapeless, history-less source and being. Accompanied by gentle, uplifting music. Let’s get started…
Mooji has been following the Covid events in India and is deeply moved by the unfolding situation that is affecting thousands and thousands of people, including many of our Indian sangha. It arose in his heart to share these words in this challenging time and also two beautiful and practical guidances.
What is love?, what is self love?, how to love yourself and everything without duality? Let us find out together with Mooji in this wonderful 12 minute video.
In this awesome 20 minute Satsang of the Week, Mooji provides us with an exercise that guides the attention back to the essence of your Self, the very ground of being. Let’s now waste another minute and get the show started…
How to be happy ? Is it possible to be really happy? What is the source of our unhappiness ? Let us find out together with Mooji in this 11 minute video filmed on one of Mooji’s walks…
In this short 15 minute video, a questioner wants to know the best way to work through her Vasanas.  In response, Mooji explains that Vasanas as just strong tendencies that can remain even after realization has taken place and how we can make Vasanas part of our inquiry.  Let’s listen in…
In this precious 6 minute exploration, Mooji speaks about how Truth has the ability to expand our consciousness. As we begin to experience the fruit of this looking, a wider world opens up giving us more joy and peace.
In this wonderful 11 minute video, a questioner wants to know about finding “Blissful Love” that can share Awakening with each other.  Mooji offers a very different perspective on this subject so lets get started…
In this important 14 minute video, a questioner has some questions about sex in a healthy relationship.  Mooji explains, “Your search, if it is for true contentment, and peace and joy, and to be free of the fears of life and death and all of this, the highest aspiration of the human being is this search for liberation – which embraces all of these expressions.”  Let’s see what else he has to say…
In this 20 minute interaction with Mooji we zoom in on the subtle mind that acts as ‘the one awakening’, claiming to be aware of the coming troubles yet still stuck ‘on the bridge between freedom and Maya’. Let’s get started…
In this super clear and direct 9 minute video, Mooji takes us step by step into our true nature and the whole Truth about Awakening.  If you want a short and accurate description of “Awakening” then lets get started…
In this 10 minute video, a questioner says that he is so tired of the emotional ups and downs in his search for the Self and he just wants to know, “when is it going to end”?  Let’s listen to Mooji‘s approach to the answer…