In this interesting five minute video, Mooji challenges a societal view that financial wealth equates to happiness and financial poverty equates to misery. Let’s listen as Mooji explains that its not as simple as it may seem…
This four minute video combines a reading (by MOOJI) of the “Song of the Avadhut combined with the text and music. Of all the mystical treatises of ancient Indian literature, the Avadhut Gita, or “Song Of The Avadhut,” is one of the most eloquent and compelling. The Avadhut Gita is a call to knowledge, the supreme knowledge of ultimate Truth. It is the knowledge of the ultimate, indisputable Truth of existence; and it is this very Truth which has the power to make us free. Let’s relax and soak in these words…
In this GREAT little five minute video from an interview, Mooji gives us a very simple exercise that ANYONE can do to get back in harmony with our true inner being. This inner exercise is ideal upon rising and/or before sleep, and can also be used to regain harmony under a so called “mind attack”. Let’s listen to this life changing exercise …
In this short four minute clip from an online Skype session, Mooji reminds us that as we are exposed to the message of “Truth”, consciousness can often be attracted to the brothel of the mind but we must remember that this has nothing to do with what IS. Let’s enjoy this tiny moment of wisdom…
In this lovely little thirteen minute video, Mooji helps us to center ourselves in our true being and feel how we are without our story. Most of this video can be used as a sort of guided mediation designed to help bring our attention back to the Self so let’s get started…
In this unique five minute composition, we find a mesmerizing musical meditation as Mooji asks the deep questions to help us contemplate the nature of true Self. If you don’t like music with your Mooji, then you may want to move on. But if you’re a little more adventurous then lets enjoy this unique experience…
In this amusing twelve minute Mooji video, a devotee says that she has reached a state where she is very happy and content and feels no need for further inquiry, yet she still has a deep recurring longing within her. Mooji explains that this means that the job is not finished. Let’s listen…
In this great little seven minute video, a follower tells Mooji that he finally “Got It”. This usually is followed by Mooji replying “who’s got it?”, but upon closer examination Mooji seems to be pleased with his description and that perhaps a deeper understanding has taken place. Let’s watch…
Here’s a great little six minute video touching on a few little spiritual tidbits and a reminder from Mooji to keep the attitude in our hearts that “I am here because I am chosen for freedom.” Let’s listen…
Here is a very short five minute, yet powerful video created by Lucia Lagana combining music, images, and quotes from Mooji. Just sit back, relax and absorb the power of Mooji’s words.
In this wonderful eleven minute video clip, Mooji reminds us that we don’t need to try to judge, change or improve every little spontaneous action or reaction that we may have. Our true position is to remain as awareness without identifying with the activities of the body mind. Let’s listen to Mooji’s wise reminder…
In this great video clip, Mooji takes a seeker from a place of total confusion and emotional wreckage to a place of total peace and helps her to realize that this peace is always present and available buried under all the noise of the mind.
This fifteen minute guided meditation from Mooji will help guide your attention back to your true self. Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the golden message of truth and freedom…
In this great eleven minute video, Mooji explains to a devotee who seems to grasp his true nature that now it is time to stop focusing on what is happening and start focusing only on the position of the “I”. Let’s listen…
In this thirteen minute video clip from the end of a retreat in Rishikesh, Mooji recaps what has transpired and drives home the most important points of his teachings. This video could also be used as a thirteen minute guided meditation so lets sit back, relax and listen…
In this short little four minute video recorded on one of Mooji‘s walks, he shares with us a little reminder that the pursuit of life’s luxuries is OK for a while but blessed is the one who becomes evidence of the living truth. Let’s join him…
This five minute reminder is very short but is one of the best videos created by Lucia Lagana combining music, AMAZING images, and quotes from Mooji, including live audio clips in which we find Mooji sharing words of wisdom.
In this nine minute audio, Mooji reminds us that we are not here just to pay rent, work a job, or toil the fields, but that it is time for us to turn our attention to the heart and spirit and leave all the rest to God. Let’s sit back, relax and listen…
In this twelve minute video, a follower bears witness to his experience of realizing the stillness within and describes how there was no fireworks or much of anything out of the ordinary. Mooji explains that this is why it is very important not to place ANY expectations or projections from the mind on how liberation will take place.
In this lovely twelve minute video, a seeker asks Mooji, “Is it possible for Mooji to give me a kick into total freedom?” Let’s listen as Mooji takes us deep into Conscious Presence to realize that total freedom is always ours to begin with…
In this eight minute clip a seeker wants to know why it seems that there seems to be less avoidance and resistance from the mind when she is watching Satsang at home verses being in Satsang in person. Mooji explains the subtle ways the mind uses to avoid and resist…
In this eight minute video clip, Mooji shares a little story to drive home the point that we all come from the same source like a drop of water from the ocean, and that even though we may appear to be different on the outside, we all return home to one and the same.
In this super nine minute video, Mooji helps us to realize that the witnessing experienced by the “I Am” is itself witnessed by “something” prior to the “I Am”. This is Awareness is without cause or location and can not be explained or described in words and yet is the answer to the question “Who Am I?”. Let’s listen to Mooji’s explanation…
In this very short but funny three minute excerpt, Mooji tells a very funny joke which drives home the point that we need to be careful what we wish for.
In this wonderful ten minute video clip, a seeker says that she has had enough of the psychological mind and asks Mooji to help her end it once and for all. Mooji explains to remain steadfast and that “at one point, you are going to vanish and what will remain will be your real self”. Let’s listen closely to his advice…
In this lovely five minute video, Mooji shares a few words on the mind produced illusion of time and that “despite being panicked by the thought that time is disappearing, and that your life disappears along with time, you will know that what disappears is only that which belongs to time and it is an illusion.”
In this VERY important five minute video, Mooji responds to a seeker who wants to know, “How can I be the Self if I am mentally sick?”. Mooji offers a concise response that can help the questioner distinguish between the “Self” and the “Person” who is actually the one who has been labeled as “mentally sick”. This video can be VERY helpful for those with psychological issues created by the mind, but it must also be understood that there are individuals with “physical mental impairments” that must be treated as such and not brushed off as a problem of the
This four minute reminder is very short but is one of the best videos created by Lucia Lagana combining music, AMAZING images, and quotes from Mooji, including live audio clips in which we find Mooji sharing words of wisdom.