Mooji Video: Trusting the Inner Process

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In this cool little six minute video, Mooji explains that we need to trust the inner process of our maturing spiritual understanding.  Let’s listen to his wise advice and funny reaction when a devotee says that he is the coolest guy around…

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Thomas says:

We met before she went to live at Sahaja; she was very quiet and was so pleased to do SEVA at Sahaja, then to be on the cleaning team there for a six month stay.. By observation, her gratitude and devotion was (is) so natural. What is referencing this devotion, this trust and openness…this natural ease with maturing and without opposition…. without the feeding frenzy of a mind clinging to the fear of fearing a “loss” of control. What is referencing this known protector (this that is) a child’s survival strategy that
is not grounded in reality as an adult.

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