This is a great little nine minute audio clip where Mooji reminds us of all the ways we experience life according to our interpretation by the mind, unless we are free. He goes on to explain that our whole life is a song of love that can be lived spontaneously, not a difficult journey to strategize and plan. Let’s listen…
Do you have five minutes for freedom? In this BEAUTIFUL five minute guided meditation, Mooji takes us into our hearts where he plants the seeds of eternal wisdom. Let’s just sit back, relax and enjoy! Includes Portuguese translation.
In this AWESOME thirty minute audio, Mooji responds to a seeker saying that there seems to be a wall standing in the way of freedom, and would like to know what needs to happen to tear down that wall. I don’t normally post videos of this length but this special moment is so important for those who feel blocked that I had to include it. Let’s listen to Mooji’s inspired response…
In this lovely seven minute impromptu Satsang from Monte Sahaja, Mooji tells the story of the tarantula that complete sheds his outer shell almost intact and relates it to our ability to shed our identity with the ego. Please enjoy…
In this BEAUTIFUL nine minute video, Mooji shares a special moment when he says that when he looks in a beings eyes, he only sees the light of God shining through and that is why,”I am not willing to overlook even one of you.” Let’s get silent for a moment and listen…
In this eight minute video, Mooji shares some wisdom about love on one of his walks. He reminds us that love is food for the human spirit and that is why it is important for us to send blessings and love out into the universe… let’s listen to Mooji’s beautiful words…
In this lovely ten minute video, Mooji reminds us that although we are pure harmony itself, that doesn’t mean we’re not going to experience tension, doubt and confusion from time to time. Let’s listen to Mooji’s advice on what to do when this happens…
In this great little four minute reminder, Mooji explains that we should always stay totally fresh, even when the mind would like to repeat a particularly sweet moment that we enjoyed. Let’s listen to Mooji’s words of wisdom on remaining focused on what Is…
In this truly beautifully produced six minute meditation, Mooji focuses on love. This clip comes from “The Calling” by Karuna. The Calling is traditional Armenian duduk music in its most intimate, heart-stirring portrayal by this contemporary musician, Karuna (Dmitry Kobzarenko). Let’s enjoy… Please note: The first two and a half minutes is music only.
In this lovely six minute video, Mooji talks about the moment that Papaji got through to him. At first, Mooji was highly offended by Papaji’s words, but in reality what seemed to be offensive actually was a catalyst to his realization. Let’s listen…
In this interesting nine minute video, Mooji uses a true story about one of Leonardo DaVinci’s paintings to drive home the reality that under all the conditioning and imaginings shines our priceless true nature. Let’s open our ears and hearts to this message…
In this WONDERFUL seven minute spontaneous Satsang recorded on one of Mooji‘s walks, he reminds us why there seems to be a struggle with the ego during the process of Awakening and what we can do about it. Let’s listen to this awesome wisdom…
Here is a wonderful 14 minute guided meditation from Mooji called “I’m bringing you home” that includes Turkish text translation. Let’s close our eyes and just sit back, relax and enjoy!
In this super short three minute audio clip, Mooji reminds us that first we must realize the perceiver at the root of all perceiving and then answer the question, “Can the perceiver be perceived?”. Let’s listen…
In this very short two and a half minute video, Mooji drives home the message of seeking to realize our true nature for a permanent source of happiness rather than the temporary joy of the flesh. Let’s listen…
Here is another wonderful 8 minute video created by Lucia Lagana combining music, AMAZING images, and quotes from Mooji, including live audio clips in which we find Mooji sharing words of wisdom.
In this wonderful little five minute video, Mooji helps make it clear the purpose of inquiry as the discovery that we are not the movements or objects we conceive, but rather the Awareness of all that appears to be happening to us. Let’s sit back, close our eyes, and listen…
In this very important fifteen minute video, Mooji reminds us that emotional attacks or issues are actually very important for the realization of the self in that they provide the spiritual vitamins we need to build an unshakable longing for freedom. Let’s see how this works…
In this wonderful seven minute video, Mooji responds to an inquiry from a seeker who is experiencing great fear the closer she gets to the realization of the truth by explaining how to overcome our projections and fears, regardless of where the fears come from. Let’s listen…
In this great little two minute video, Mooji provides a tool to help us stop our busy daily activities and take a moment to re-center ourselves and our attention and take a break from all the noise of the mind and our surroundings. Let’s listen to this wonderful little exercise…
Here is a wonderful 12 minute guided meditation from Mooji called “Simply Be” recorded in New Delhi in 2016. Let’s just sit back, relax and enjoy!
In this glorious thirteen minute video, Mooji speaks about not indulging the mind and learning to read the language of the vital force. This clip is filled with great wisdom and worth every minute to watch …
In this enlightening twelve minute video from Satsang, Mooji explains that many of us are very vigilant about identifying our negative thoughts and emotions as possible blocks to freedom when in reality it is important to realize that our “positive” thoughts and emotions can be just as delusional as our negative thoughts. Let’s listen to the meaning of what Mooji is saying…
In this nine minute video, a devotee would like Mooji to pour his blessing onto her, as if this will magically transfer his Awakening to her and others in the room. Mooji tries to explain that this is not the way this works and that there is no magical short cut to Awakening. Let’s listen…
In this cool little six minute video, Mooji explains that we need to trust the inner process of our maturing spiritual understanding. Let’s listen to his wise advice and funny reaction when a devotee says that he is the coolest guy around…
In this special ten minute video, Mooji explains that everything that comes in our life has been served by love, not just the chocolate flavored moments but also what appears to be difficult moments as well. He goes on to explain the importance of gratitude for all of our life to move beyond the illusion of duality. This video can also be used as a guided meditation. Let’s listen…
In this special little four minute video, Mooji explains that in order to truly know if something is true, it must be confirmed inside the heart. Let’s listen to Mooji’s inspired message…
In this nine minute video clip, Mooji responds to a seeker’s letter asking, “How can I transcend my fear of evil spirits?” This is actually quite a common question so let’s listen to Mooji’s response…