This nine minute video from Mooji is about shedding slavery to the ego. The questioner says that now that she has seen the mind for what it is, it seems that it keeps coming back more powerfully then ever and wants to know what to do when the mind has taken her over completely. Let’s listen in on Mooji’s valuable advice…
In this very special 3 minute message from Mooji, he reminds us that even though our fleshly body may come and go, we are all the eternal one beyond names and forms. What a beautiful 3 minute meditation!
In this amazing eleven minute audio clip of an impromptu Satsang in the park recorded 25 May 2010, Mooji takes us on an in depth journey into the nature of “Awareness”. Let’s listen in on Mooji explaining the ultimate reality of who we are as this shapeless, boundless and pure “Awareness”…
In this great nine minute video from Mooji, he reminds us that at every moment we have two real choices. One choice leads us towards clarity, peace and joy and the other choice leads us towards confusion and suffering. Let’s listen in on this beautiful lesson from Mooji…
In this short five minute video, Mooji explains that there are actually two answers to the question, “Can one realize the Truth through Samadhi?”, and it all depends whether we are speaking of a temporary or permanent state of Samadhi. Let’s listen in on his reply…
In this short four minute video, Mooji uses a metaphor to cleverly answer the question, “Is there a difference between the “Self” of different religions?”. Let’s listen in…
In this eight minute video, a follower explains to Mooji that his friends and family have noticed changes in him and react as if they are frightened and don’t want him to be free. Mooji explains that those that live exclusively in the mind feel threatened by those who are free and offers suggestions on what to do.
This beautiful six minute video was created by Lucia Lagana and combines music, images, and quotes from Mooji. This video focuses on diving deeply into the realm of the “Self”.
In this eleven minute clip from Rishikesh — India 2017, Mooji responds to an inquiry about the lies of the mind and if there is truly a time when the mind will give up its tricks. Mooji explains that because the mind’s TRUE natural state is actually silence, it is inevitable that the more time our attention remains as the true “Self”, the quieter the mind will get until it eventually returns to its natural state of silence and peace.
In this eight minute clip from Satsang in Rishikesh, India (March 2nd, 2017), Mooji explains that often the closer we get to making real progress, the mind will throw up its greatest efforts of avoidance and resistance. Let’s listen in on the advice from Mooji on how to deal with this…
In this 9 minute video, Mooji responds to an inquiry on how to deal (or interact) with people that are fully identified with the ego and have no interest in Freedom or “Truth”, especially those that are close to you in any way. Listen to Mooji’s wise advice on this subject…
In this six minute video, Mooji responds to a questioner who says that often, after a transformative event, something inside feels as though it has grown, and yet during deep meditation they are unable to find anyone who has gained anything. Mooji explains that this is the difference between pure consciousness and dynamic consciousness. Let’s listen in on these wise words from Mooji…
This super short two minute video from Mooji is actually in response to a very important question. A seeker wants to know, “Who is to be thankful” once one is realized. Let’s listen in on Mooji’s reply…
In this eight minute video from Mooji, a questioner wants to know if she can help or speed up her self inquiry using other practices such as Asana, Pranayama Meditation or other forms of Yogas and practices. Listen to Mooji’s surprising answer…
In this 12 minute video, Mooji responds to three of the most common questions coming from the ego. If I am already the “Self”, why don’t I know it? Once I realize the “Truth”, what will my experience be like? Since only the real exists, does it really matter whether I awakened or not? Let’s listen in on Mooji’s replies….
Here is another wonderful 7 minute video created by Lucia Lagana combining music, images, and quotes from Mooji, including live video and audio clips in which we find Mooji sharing words of wisdom.
This short but very important 4 minute video from Mooji is in a response to a questioner who wants to know why some Advaita followers seem to have a feeling of superiority over those who follow a different path. Let’s listen in on what Mooji has to say about that…
This six minute video demonstrates how easy one can confuse the arrogance of ego claiming itself to be the “Truth”, even when it truly seems to be genuine in nature. Let’s let Mooji take us through the process of inquiring into it…
In this short 4 minute video, Mooji helps us to understand the difference between the activity of thinking and contemplation. Let’s listen in on the subtleties between the two…
This great 8 minute talk from Mooji could be used as a short meditation as he explains common interactions of the mind on the “path” to realizing the Self until one is permanently seated at the height of their own being.
In this wonderful 7 minute video clip taken from Satsang in Rishikesh (2016), Mooji explains that its perfectly fine to allow our emotions, sensations and reactions to be expressed as long as we remember to remain as the one who is the witness. No need to fight them, interpret them or analyze them.
Here is another wonderful 7 minute video created by Lucia Lagana combining music, images, and quotes from Mooji, including live video clips in which we find Mooji sharing words of wisdom.
This is another wonderful 8 minute guided meditation from Mooji recorded in Rishikesh on the 9th March 2016. Just sit back, relax and enjoy!
In this 11 minute video, Mooji helps us to remember that recognizing the “Self” only involves the dropping of ALL concepts and beliefs, including concepts like Karma which only applies to the body/mind, and so many other thoughts and beliefs that the mind tries to place in the way to try to ensure its own survival as a separate entity.
In this 10 minute video, Mooji reminds us that we are complete right now. Nothing needs to fixed except to put everything down (our tools) from the mind and let the Truth shine free.
This 10 minute video from Mooji is a clip from Rishikesh Satsang on 13th March 2016. He tells the story of Lakshman to demonstrate that as long as there is arrogance, as long as there is any identification with the body/mind, the questions that come forth will be “false” questions that can not be answered with the Truth.
Here’s a fun little three minute video that demonstrates Mooji‘s ability to share wisdom from a small spontaneous Satsang happening in the middle of a carpark. Let’s listen in…
This six minute video starts out with a seeker asking, “Do you have a dream or a vision for mankind?” Mooji explains that now is the only point of life that exists and that this life is not a rehearsal for something down the road.