In this 4 minute reminder, Mooji helps remove the obstacles to the self by showing us that nothing real can come between you and your core being. Let’s listen how Mooji explains how we are just one mind twist away from freedom…
In this fantastic 9 minute video filmed on one of his walks, Mooji tries to help us see that the “problems” we experience in our lives and take to be so important, are really not based on reality but rather on stories that our minds have created. Let’s listen to Mooji’s advice on a better way…
In this 3 minute Mooji Classic Moment we hear Mooji describe how the world looks through his eyes and his belief that this inner peace is possible for anyone. Let’s listen to this amazing wisdom…
Here is a very short five minute, yet powerful video created by Lucia Lagana combining music, images, and quotes from Mooji. Let’s just sit back, relax and absorb the power of Mooji’s words.
This fifteen minute guided meditation from Mooji will help guide your attention back to yourself in deep peace, love and harmony. Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the ultimate message of truth and freedom…
In this fantastic 90 second reminder, Mooji provides the key to stepping out of the games of the mind. Let’s take a quick peek…
In this beautiful ten minute audio from one of his podcasts, Mooji points out how important it is to have the qualities of trust, faith and openness alive in you. Let’s sit back, close our our eyes and listen…
Here is a wonderful 10 minute guided meditation set to music from Mooji called “Notice the effortlessness of your own being”. Let’s just sit back, relax and enjoy!
Here is another wonderful 4 minute video created by Lucia Lagana combining music, AMAZING images, and quotes from Mooji, including live audio clips in which we find Mooji sharing words of wisdom.
In this very lovely thirteen minute video filmed on one of Mooji‘s walks, he reminds us that nothing is inside us but God and that we simply need to remain in silence to be able to see through the scams and schemes of our psychological conditioning. Let’s join him now…
In this inspiring 5 minute video, Mooji responds to a seeker who is afraid that if she looses the “person” she believes herself to be, that she will become boring and will end up being alone. Let’s listen to Mooji’s reply…
In this great little 5 minute video, Mooji responds to a seeker who says they are leaving their current life to go in search of the “Self”. Mooji explains that even Nisargadatta Maharaj did something similar but the fact is that there is no reason to go anywhere to realize the “Self”. Let’s listen…
In this 7 minute video clip from Reshikesh, we find Mooji starting this Satsang with describing the basics one must understand to begin the inner search for God-Self. And now, here’s Mooji…
In this inspiring mini (6 Min) spontaneous interview, Mooji is asked “What is your message for the world?”. Mooji shares with us the highest wish inside our hearts and a simple tool to help us stay in that place… let’s listen…
In this lovely 10 minute audio, Mooji explains that wherever you are, the spirit of God is there and best thing we can do in each moment is to let this spirit express itself through you without interference from mind created motivations. Let’s listen to his explanation…
In this great 12 minute audio, Mooji reads selected verses from the Avadhuta Gita. Let’s sit back, relax and let these timeless words sink into your heart…
Here is another wonderful 7 minute video created by Lucia Lagana combining music, AMAZING images, and quotes from Mooji, including live audio clips in which we find Mooji sharing words of wisdom.
In this 4 minute audio, Mooji explains that the way of the mind is to focus on many things but that the way of the Beingness is to focus on ONE thing until it has settled in your heart and become experiencially realized within. Let’s listen to these wise words…
This lovely 6 minute video features an impromptu Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja where Mooji talks about the truest and highest Thanksgiving. Let’s join the group now…
In this four minute audio, Mooji sings a beautiful mantra. Here are the words: Om Aham Soham Tat Tvam Asi I AmI Am HeThat You Are I AmShiva I AmShiva You Are You are always in my HeartNever shall we be apart Om Namah Namah ShivayaOm Namah Shivaya It is done It is doneAlleluia It is done You are always in my HeartNever shall we be apart I am always in your HeartNever shall we be apart Om Namah Namah ShivayaOm Namah Shivaya It is done It is doneAlleluia It is done Om Namah Namah ShivayaOm Namah Shivaya Om Namo
In this very touching five minute video from a recent Satsang in the Netherlands, a devotee explains how he came to realize the role that “choice” has in our lives and the ultimate realization that although we may feel like we are making choices, there is really no way to surprise God. Let’s get some tissues and press play…
In this great little nine minute audio clip, Mooji helps us see all the ways that the mind tries to hold us hostage and how we surrender to its allure and suffer without realizing that we could free ourselves at any moment. Let’s listen…
This eight minute audio clip is an awesome reminder of how mistaken identity takes place and how by turning internally we can discover the eternal within each of us. Let’s listen to Mooji‘s crystal clear words of wisdom…
In this great little seven minute audio from a podcast, Mooji explains that it is imperative for us to merge our sense of separateness into the wholeness which is, and that mantras and meditation can help you to “unform” you as a separate entity. Let’s sit back and listen…
Do you have 8 minutes to spare for freedom? This eight minute guided meditation from Mooji called, “A Taste of Presence” will help guide your attention back to your true self. Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the golden message of truth and freedom…
In this super short one and half minute video clip, Mooji reminds us that, “I am, before the idea that I needed to remember myself, or that I could forget myself was LEARNED. Let’s listen to this golden nugget of wisdom…
This thirteen minute video is a beautiful testimony of the mother of a devotee who has been at the heart of the Sangha for a few years. She expresses her gratitude to Mooji and describes how Satsang has helped her and her family.
In this thirteen minute clip of Mooji appearing on an interview with Lilou Mace, he shares with us his favorite “I AM” practice. He explains how this practice can help us shed the shackles of the mind and increasingly experience the love and peace within each and every one of us. Let’s listen… For those of you that may be interested in Part 1 & 2, please click here.