Mooji Audio: Grace Is Knocking At the Door of the Heart

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In this beautiful ten minute audio from one of his podcasts,  Mooji points out how important it is to have the qualities of trust, faith and openness alive in you. Let’s sit back, close our our eyes and listen…

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Marlene says:

I think that this is one of the most inspirational talks I’ve ever heard even though Mooji sounds as though he is suffering with a terrible cold, however, his faith and inspiration doesn’t deter him at all. Many many thanks Mooji. Such wisdom and power in conveying the message. We all are taught ‘to be somebody special’ – how foolish when we aren’t taught what we truly are. Trying to make life work when we are unconscious is not a pleasant task. May we all plant this seed of wisdom into our hearts and allow it to flourish. My love to all.

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