In this lovely 12 minute audio, Mooji explains what he means when he says that “we are invincible”. Who exactly is he talking about? Let’s listen as Mooji explains invincibility as it pertains to the one who is infinite…
In this super short video, Mooji explains why we feel anxiety and once the cause is revealed, how we can face anxiety and fears without being overtaken by them. Let’s listen…
In this enlightening 14 minute video, Mooji tackles the question of how we can tell when we are being told the truth, or not. There are many things to consider like, “Is the messenger true?”, “Is the message true”, “Is our understanding of the material true?”. Let’s listen as Mooji helps us make our way to the undeniable truth… For another video on this subject please click here.
In this lovely vintage 6 minute video, Mooji reminds us that when we are in a state of “suffering”, we can instantly change our state of mind by taking control of our attention. Let’s listen to his sage advice… Includes Russian Translation
In this lovely little 5 minute audio, Mooji reminds us that the “person” is not necessary in order to function in life. In fact, your life will flow much, much better once you start functioning from your inner most Self. And the best part is that there’s no need to prepare to be what you are. Let’s listen closely to this advice…
This 5 minute guided meditation from Mooji will help guide your attention back to yourself in deep peace, love and harmony. Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the ultimate message of truth and freedom…
In this spontaneous 9 minute video, Mooji explains that one reaches a place where the Truth has been psychologically understood but the ego still exists for a while. This video is about that period…
In this lovely 10 minute video, a follower says that she has reached a place where she can no longer find her mind. Mooji responds by emphasizing how wonderful this must be and then somehow finds himself in the middle of a funny spontaneous reaction. Let’s watch… Italian Translation Included
In this AMAZING 4 minute audio, Mooji is truly inspiring. The words spoke in this recording are the Absolute irrefutable Truth. This is as far as the mind can comprehend with words, the only thing beyond this can not be spoken in words, but can be experienced. Let’s listen…
In this super short Mooji Minute, he explains that we can not get rid of the mind entirely because we need the mind to execute practical matters, but the “thinking” mind, or “psychological” mind is NOT required at all and is the culprit for all human suffering. Let’s listen to Mooji…
In this lovely little 4 minute audio, Mooji reminds us of what needs to take place in order for us to push beyond intellectual understanding of our true Self. He explains that we must be willing to jump into the fire of self-discovery… let’s listen…
In this great 11 minute audio that very few have ever heard, Mooji explains why inquiry and investigating our inner world is so important and how this kind of introspection is the key to realizing the “Self”. Let’s listen to Mooji’s pointings…
In this great little 4 minute reminder, Mooji explains that often as we awaken more and more to our true nature, we don’t really know how to behave in the world. Mooji shows us how we can simply remain grounded in our higher Self…
In this LOVELY 4 minute video, Mooji reminds us that it is quite easy to falsely assume that you have let go of everything when in actuality you may not have let go of the biggest culprit in your bondage. Let’s listen to Mooji as he explains…
One of the most popular questions asked of Mooji is, “What is my life purpose?” or “How do I find my purpose?” In this direct 5 minute video, Mooji reveals his thoughts on finding one’s purpose. If you’ve ever entertained this question, this short video is a must watch…
In this lovely little 5 minute video filmed in Russia, a questioner wants to know if sometimes when meeting someone for the first time and getting a negative feeling about that person, is that our intuition or not? Mooji explains that as long as the ego is in charge, our intuition is corrupted by the mind and is unreliable. Let’s listen to his explanation…
In this 10 minute video clip from Satsang in Russia, Mooji responds to an inquiry who seems to be experiencing physical symptoms in her transition from living in mind to heart. Let’s listen to Mooji’s wise advice…
In this 5 minute video clip from Satsang, Mooji plays a game with us to help us remember that the door to ourselves is always within us. Let’s listen to these wise words of freedom…
In this lovely little 5 minute video of a one-on-one interview, the seeker has several questions for Mooji including the request for Mooji to, “Show me God now!” Let’s listen in on Mooji’s response to this request…
In this great little 3 minute reminder, Mooji talks to us about “wanting” and the improper relationship we have with our wants and desires. Let’s listen as Mooji reminds us of our true position…
In this 12 minute spontaneous talk, which was recorded in a taxi on the way to the airport, after the car broke down, Mooji reminds us to not immediately think the worst when something unexpected, apparently bad happens but to see God´s presence and love in it. Everything is part of the bigger picture, of your destiny if you like to see it this way. Don´t complain, say thank you to God, ‘Thank you, your eyes are greater than mine.’
In this little 3 minute reminder, Mooji helps us remember that we need to transcend our identification with the body to wake up from the delusion we are experiencing. Let’s take a moment to hit “refresh”…
In this great little video clip from Satsang in Russia, Mooji responds to a seeker who wants to know if it is necessary to have a Master to realize the Truth. Mooji explains several reasons why one should really have a Master to help one realize all of the subtle ways the ego (mind) can hide in plain site. Let’s listen carefully as Mooji also offers the best way to find a master…
In this awesome 7 minute compilation, Mooji provides five solid ways in which we can deal with and overcome fear. This video would be great to bookmark for easy retrieval when encountering a sticky fear. Let’s listen…
In this VERY FUNNY video based around his windshield wiper story, Mooji helps us realize how ridiculous the obstacles are that are distracting us from always remaining as the Self. Let’s listen and see if Mooji mentions a couple of issues you may be dealing with…
In this wonderful 6 minute video clip that is being spontaneously translated into Russian, we find Mooji responding to a question about anger after Awakening. Mooji explains that after awakening, life will go on as usual on the outside, but the inner sense of joy and peace remains. Let’s listen to Mooji’s description…
In this lovely 9 minute video filmed and translated to German, the question of self-trust or relationship arises with wrong identification. Mooji shows us the easy way to stillness and effortlessness, nobody can give or take away. Where is effortlessness there is peace. Let’s listen to these potent words of wisdom…
Very often in Mooji‘s Satsangs we here him say, “Be like the cow who jumped over the moon.” In this lovely little 5 minute audio, Mooji explains what he means by that and the principle of truth that is behind it. Let’s listen…