In this 8 minute video, a questioner explains to Mooji where she is in her self-inquiry and wants to know if she is headed in the right direction towards the “Truth”.  Let’s listen in as Mooji shares his wisdom…
In this amazingly relaxing five minute video clip from Mooji, we find him talking about understanding the most fundamental principle as a strong foundation for our awakening.  Why not take five minutes right now to absorb a moment of  “Truth” with Mooji…
In this super short three minute video clip from Mooji, he reminds us to let go and detach from everything. He uses the wonderful analogy of being like the sky who has no worries, opinions or thoughts about its content.  Small video with a big message.
Here is another wonderful 9 minute video created by Lucia Lagana combining music, images, and quotes from Mooji, including a live video clip in which we find Mooji sharing words of wisdom.
In this five minute video, a questioner wants to know, “How do I get rid of the mind?” or “How can I quiet the mind during meditation?”  Mooji starts out by explaining that you can’t get rid of the mind by fighting it, but by being persistent in your practice of meditation.
In this six minute video, a questioner wants to know “Do I have to sit with you in Satsang to realize the Truth?”  Mooji responds by explaining that live group Satsangs can be very powerful because the attention is focused only on the realization of the truth, but that in reality all of life is Satsang. He then goes on to explain what that means…
In this seven minute video, an inquiry comes asking how to deal with the expectations of others when they are in conflict with the truth, especially when they are imposed by family and friends. Mooji explains the importance of not letting anyone stand between you and freedom.
In this short four minute video from Mooji, he replies to the question, “How can I stop judging the images I have of myself? Mooji explains that first you must find out what you mean by “myself” and then identify the one who is aware of such images until you can transcend the conceptual blindness that is causing this question in the first place.
In this 5 minute video, Mooji replies to a question from a seeker wanting to know how long it is going to take for the answer (realization) to come. Mooji responds by explaining that as long as the validity of the question and questioner remains, Realization will not occur.
In this nine minute video from one of Mooji‘s question and answer session, he responds to a question about if it is enough to just be quiet and wait for grace to take care of the rest.  Mooji explains that if one remains completely identified with the ego, he may be in for a long wait to realize the self. It is rather the combination of contemplating the teachings and remaining quiet that may result in clearing the falsehood of the ego.
This beautiful five minute video was created by Lucia Lagana and combines music, images, and quotes from Mooji. This video focuses on the glorious shining of the Supreme once the ego has been shed.
In this 10 minute video, Mooji responds to a questioner in Satsang asking “I don’t trust myself it seems, how can I trust myself?” Mooji explains the answer to this question and how to approach all similar types of questions as well. Here is the link for Adyashanti’s version mentioned at the beginning of the video:
Here is a wonderful 8 minute guided meditation from Mooji called “Who Is Dwelling Inside Here?”. Just sit back, relax and enjoy!
In this very short 4 minute video, Mooji explains that freedom is a concept that only comes out of duality. Therefore, not only can freedom be your only true state but it is actually what you are.
In this short 5 minute video, Mooji responds to the question, “How can I become more conscious of my natural sense of being?”  Mooji explains that the main obstacle to this is the belief that we are something other than pure being and tries to convey the many ways we place these obstacles in the way of our natural sense of being.
In this five minute video clip filmed at the Kannapa Temple in Tiruvannamalai, India, we see Mooji having an impromptu Satsang explaining that the first step in “realizing” the God-Self within us is to learn how to bring our attention away from the forest of associations and attachments.
This beautiful eleven minute video was created by Lucia Lagana and combines music, images, quotes and video from Mooji. This video focuses on transcending the fall from Grace where we have come to believe that we are a person which is the primary cause of all of our mental pain and suffering.
In this six minute video, a seeker says she is now able to just let mind activities and most bodily sensations come and go but wants to know how to get rid of this tension like fear in her belly that seems to be permanent.
This six minute video starts out with a seeker wanting to know “How do I keep myself quiet?”. In answering her question, Mooji helps us understand the difference between Vipassana and Satsang and that all of the questions designed to request help to awaken are mostly in vein since there is no way to help yourself (your true self) because you can only recognize yourself.
In this beautiful five minute clip from Mooji, he explains that the forces of doubt come for EVERYONE including Christ, Buddha or anyone else. Here Mooji explains how to confront these doubts by remaining in the heart of truth…
In this eight minute video, Mooji talks about the purpose of spirituality being the realization of the the “I AM” (Pure Beingness), free of attachments to perception or the objects of perception. He then goes on to explain that for a few there comes the realization that even the unassociated being (I Am) is found to be a concept. Let’s listen in as he explains…
In this 8 minute clip from Mooji, he responds to inquiry from someone who wants to know if it is possible that the closer one seems to get to the truth of the matter, the stronger the mind seems to become. Mooji responds that this is very normal and that often the mind responds with fierce resistance, lots of noise, lots of doubts which is actually a sign of the undoing of the mind.
This beautiful four minute video was created by Lucia Lagana and combines music, images, and quotes from Mooji. This video focuses on the understanding that the most direct teachings (pointings) are those that can not be followed but rather the melting of delusions by grace.
In this five minute clip from Mooji, he explains that although this is a common question, it is not a true question. The very premise of the question is wrong, so how can there be a correct answer? For those who are still intrigued by this question, Mooji invites us to look within.
In this six minute video, a questioner writes in and says that they are lost and have no idea what to do about it. Mooji explains that “being lost” is a wonderful opportunity and an indication of being on the right track to realizing and being the Self.
In this nine minute video, an inquiry comes in saying that she feels like the illusory nature of the ego has been revealed to her but that somehow she feels like it is still hiding somewhere, and wants to know what she can do about it. Mooji responds by first reminding her not to worry about the return of the ego and then provides advice on how to keep it in its proper perspective.
In this nine minute video clip from Mooji, a seeker starts out by thinking that one of the barriers for her complete awakening is having to give up control when Mooji helps her to realize that actually she will only have to give up the IDEA of having control.
This six minute video from the words spoken by Mooji is to debunk the notion that we can somehow be somewhere other than now. We hear it said in everyday life that somehow we need to find a way to be more in the now, when in actuality we can not be anywhere other than now. Listen to Mooji’s wisdom on now…