In this 23 minute video from Mooji, a seeker says that he has experienced several “awakening” experiences but then the mind and misery came back and wants to know, “is “Enlightenment” a permanent state?” This is an INCREDIBLE video that is well worth the 23 minute investment.
Where does his wisdon come from
Where does the sunlight come from? From Source!
Feeling like opening a treasury.
This is so clear it feels very precious pointing. So much gratitude .
Thank you thank you thank you
guru ji ,charana sparsha,with and prem.i am much indebted to your Honour
Thanks a lot for these enlightening videos
So beautifully described:
“…The moon has no light of it’s own. It appears to, but it’s only the reflected light from the sun. In the same way, the Mind has no light of its’ own. It is carrying the reflected light from the self…”
It is incredibly illustrated , the most profound….
Thank you
So deep going! I looove that video!!! Impressive…highly
Adorei. Fabuloso grata Namaste
Thank you Mooji!
What a powerful video! Thank you dear Mooji for your very clear explanations and for making a difference for any one who will truly listen. Lots of love all ways!
Thank you Mooji for giving this clear explanations. I will merge in my heart, will let me go in, every moment again and again. Thank you Thank you Mooji
Thank you Thank you
It fits and feels like an old glove – sooooo comfortable.
Sat Chit Ananda
These words are so precious. Deep thanks and love to Mooji and you for distributing
Namaste! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You for this beautiful, beautiful video of wisdom. In this video Mooji’s words resonate within me like that: If you are thinking about, if the enlightenment is permanent – then it is definitely not … why? because everything you are thinking about, is passing away but when you are” the enlightenment itself”, the Truth, then it is absolutely permanent. Thank You … Namaste!
Thank you so much! It has been enlightening. Love
Thank u, so reafirming.
Oh God, thank you for this so precious teaching!
Thank you so much ❤️❤️
Thank you so much x
Thanks with My ❤
What he is saying comes from direct insight.
Thank you so much Mooji!!!!!!
I am self and original, feeling peaceful and strong. Thank you for your kind explanation.
This made me cry of joy, thanks!
Thank you Mooji
Thank you Mooji
Thankyou so very much Mooji Baba
I have been watching Mooji Baba for the last one month and there is NOTHING other than Consciousness..When Consiousness is the knower ,known and the knowledgable,,its HIS play even the urge is percieved by the Consiousness.I pray to Mooji Baba that let the urge also get dissolved in The Consiousness.
I havent been in any Satsang or met Mooji Baba ,yes Consiousness knows what is needed and made me hear Mooji Baba.Thank you ,Thank you ,Thank you Baba,My humble Gratitude at your Holy Feet ,
It is always a pleasure listening to Mooji. His guidance is truly God sent
They Say
Jung says he has not the faintest idea
what psyche is in itself and Bohr says
if you think you understand
quantum theory, you don’t.
Nijinsky says it happens
when he’s not there. Paul Coehlo
said there are plenty of logical explanations
but “my soul feeds on mystery.”
According to Lucretius we are “the dupes
of logic which derives giant conclusions
from pygmy clues.” And Barry Lopez says
mystery is the real condition in which we live,
not certainty.” What say you?
Unfortunately Jung and Jijinsky know nothing about the Truth.
I am only the witness, watching the coming and going because who I really am doesn’t come or go.
I’m limitless, shapeless.
Mysery and mind go together..
The mind will always follow the journey not the destination, it will always create and want to fix problems..
But who I am doesn’t need to be fixed..
I am love, peace..
The greatest moments of our lives is when the mind isn’t there..
Love moojis wisdom
” I ” can not be a seeker all through Life”
” I AM ” is bathing in Grace”
Dearest Mooji,
I am so grateful…♥️
The endless love and patience, the subtleness with which Mooji shares his wisdom, the gentleness of his voice and eyes, no judgement, no rejection, only love … deeply touches my heart.
To me, he is the truest expression of source!