Mooji reminds us that the mind is in constant dreaming and to wake up we just need to snap out of it.
Mooji reminds us that the mind is in constant dreaming and to wake up we just need to snap out of it.
Mooji reminds us that the mind is in constant dreaming and to wake up we just need to snap out of it.
Perfect message today..ultimately about a freedom ticket but presently manifesting as excitement in letting go of a house & mortgage ..& instead of being in purpose, find im listening to minds idea of what this symbol of freedom i want to snap out of it or ‘enjoy’ wordly things? I see the fear thats driving this..even though its subtle. I thank you for this reminder to push through. Wordly comforts never have & never will, satisfy the yearning to go home by being Spirit led. Namaste.
Thank you for your messages, Mooji. I found today’s particularly clear. How can I found out where you are holding satsangs?
Love you.
Among many good Mooji videos this was one of the best!
Oh, Mooji, I DO KNOW what running away you are talking about!
In those years of seeking, as soon as I was coming closer, the mind did find some tricks to pull me back into fears… and it succeeded!
Only in March this year there were several events accumulating: deaths and sufferings of some close people about 2 months before, Mooji videos, interesting dreams showing me I have to surrender plus the anniversary of the death of my grandma. All these circumstances together I was able to recognize it in its full simplicity and grace!
But even after such experience, the mind still keeps coming back. The difference is I can realky on my experience as I wach the mind and don’t buy in so easily any more.
Thank you the team!
❤m Namaste
Kindly guide us how we can have access of upcoming satsang in the future .
For future satsangs, please go to
Köszönöm szépen, Mooji!
Merci beaucoup !