In this 9 minute video, Mooji explains that many pointings are completely misunderstood because the seeker is not ready for the “Truth”. They may be so identified with the world of form that the pointings don’t really make sense or taken to be literal in nature. The question is, “Are you ready for the truth?”
Om…Very True..Thanks with my Love…Pranam Dear Guruji!!!…..Om.
Dear Mooji ji, so true that we r not ready for the TRUTH.even after accumulating knowledge about the truth,we still can’t reach that state in a simple way .we want to follow it in a complicated path.!oh mooji show us the truth in the most difficult way.
Jai Satch Ananda
Namaste Mooji
Grace Is All
Danke lieber Mooji.
Alles loslassen, alles vergessen.
Tut so gut sich dann zu finden ohne zu wollen.