Mooji Quotes: We Will Never Ever Agree as Long as You Are a Person

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This amazing video created by Lucia Lagana combines music, quotes from Mooji, and a live video clip in which we find Mooji speaking with utmost passion about the importance of shedding our personhood.

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sally says:

Mooji Baba You Are My Highest Master.My Head Is at Your Feet.Thank You My Heart To Your Heart.Love sally Om Shanti Shanti Shanti

kanchan says:

Really wonderful, Very inspiring-the messages and the music and video. thank you again and again.

Sujata says:

Beautiful video such grace and love

Anonymous says:

Yes! Beautiful. Thank you x

Hei kompis says:

Power Resurrection Mother

Kathy says:

Thank U dear Mooji & family, You tell it like it is. I get it. No more searching now I AM.Happiness Joy Love PEACE AMEN & SO IT IS

Ana Cecília de Carvalho Pinto says:

Greate. Gratitude Moojibaba.

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