Mooji: A Mistake in Identity

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Mooji explains that we are already “That” and every thought, every idea, every concept we have until this is fully realized is simply the play of consciousness.

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Dawn says:

Thank you 🙂

Chris says:

I really like this one.

Renáta says:

This one is No.1 for me. Makes my stillness whole. My feelings are filled with energy of life. Thoughts became distant and blurry an dkeep losing their sence when I let myself fully deepening in a meditative kind of state.. So new and fresh and peaceful here also I feel like I knew it from a timeless distance in my whole life. I went “there”, to my Self already without knowing what I am experiencing.
By beloved Moojijis pointings all came alive and I can feel the connection with a sacred power which warms my body up and keeps me wondering how could I miss it before. Since it’s so obvious.. I was asking for Lord’s help and I found my Self as an answer to all my prayers. Thank you! Thank You so much!!!!! Namaste

Peter Guzman says:

It’s all good. For trillions of years ex

Ailsa says:

I really loved this video. Thank you.

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