Mooji Video: You Are Not Destined to Awaken

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In this video, Mooji explains how we are not “destined” to awaken.  Destiny is for the body, not for what you truly are. Mooji uses a great story to explain how this is so.

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misha says:

ohm namaste, thank you Mooji

Eric says:

So Beautiful

Andrea Steell says:

forever in gratitude

Joanne Lafond says:

I’m laughing, this tittle is so refreshing, revealing of that pretension: you are not destined to awaken 😀 Where is part two?

Daniela says:

I would very much like to find the music also, is it available somewhere?

Johannawoelfel says:

Wonderful,Thank you so much Mooji,

Ailsa says:

I’m grateful for the insights given in this video.

Paola Uderzo says:

Many thanks to remaind me that everything is always inside me..With love

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