Mooji Video: Are we making choices or is everything just destiny?

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This fifteen minute video from Mooji answers one of the most popular questions of the human experience, “Are we making choices or is everything just destiny?”  Let’s listen in as Mooji provides the answer…

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sethu says:

Thank you this video was of immense help.

Kathi says:

So grateful for these daily videos. Thank you so much. Love and Blessings!

hilde says:

How comes that there is no sound?

Anonymous says:

The sound is working fine. It might be a computer issue or your sometimes your country may be blocking it because of the music in the background.

Kanchan says:

Thank you for the daily videos. It takes care of all the course corrections

Stella Mars says:

Thank you with all my heart for this flow of love to me each day.. All my love to
Beloved Master Mooji and you Angels who make this possible .. Namaste ❤️

Arno says:

Thank you so much for this daily gifts. Love you !!

Jasmyne says:

Such clarity. I have had this question about choice. Mooji was so clear. The mind does like to understand. But this understanding, makes it relax. At least for now. Mahalo (thank you). Jasmyne

Glenda Jasper says:

In clarity of knowing the difference in what you silently say to all dearest Mooji words as hearing thru your beautiful heart the essence of flames ignite my acknowledgement in truth
Taking a spill a few days ago has left my body in pain but separating the two brings time for healing
as allowing this silence in mind to permeate the gift of healing thru all elements of our earthly existence
We need not concerns ourselves with Worldy exhibits for everything is as it is there shall come soon this wave of passion in all things..

Anna says:

Wonderful, i am so grateful!

Chris says:

I love it, Mooji always puts in extra goodies for you no matter what the subject is.

Claudia says:

“there is a peace about truth, you can feel it energetically” – “you are beyond all directions” – “everything is only an appearance in consciousness”. Thank you

Anonymous says:

Om…Thank you mooji…its really all of your best video i listen daily….you provide us very rich…nutristious very healthy soul food for us daily.I am very grateful to you…I am getting love n true knowledge from you.Thanks with my Love…Gratitude…Pranam to my Beloved Mooji…..Om.

Anonymous says:

Om…i just wrote my comment….my name is Rekha Patel.I see anonymous name its not my name…so correct it please…..Thanks…Just let you know…..With Love…..Pranam Loving Mooji….Om.

Andrea Renee Hall says:

My heart gets this. It’s food for the soul. My mind, ya on the other hand will have to get it too. No Choice!

Ursula says:

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You ! for this precious opportunity to follow the talks. Strong support to no more identify with “the person” – and if it happens out of strong habit, to let this identification drop and come back to Truth :-)) No more suffering needed.

Haileselass says:

The Almighty Would not let the world without the care of HIS chosen individual Moojii is among the one who is set to light the darkness of our age.
GOD bless!!

Thomas Brooks says:

It seems to me that with choice there are consequences. The consequences are our teacher. Life presents us with a need to choose, and by choosing we adjust, until we no longer feel a break off into thinking and just live the moment.

Jane says:

Ah ! Non doing … How to get there?
Gratitude to Mooji for his unchanging tirelessness . Thank you .

Idrea Ramaci says:

Wonderful and inspiring.

Tina says:

Namaste. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You for this captivating video full of wisdom. What about “decisions” not arising from the thinking mind but from a sort of deeper understanding within, an intuition, which just knows what has to be done. I assume, that is life unfolding … if I understood Mooji correctly. Namaste.

Maria says:

Love the videos..

There’s a peace about truth..

I like when he said we have limited choice because if we have full choice we would make a mess of things.

Beautiful, such wisdom..

I am the witness, but there’s great power in the witness..

Listen with your heart not your ears, so u can pick up more of the energy around u.

Beautiful, such wisdom, thank u..

Maria says:


I loved the end of the video..


I heard a quote once it said
Trust is a positive relationship with the unknown. Ester perel.

And mooji said trust u know who u are at all times because everything else is impernament even who u think u are..

Love his wisdom

Anonymous says:

Merci beaucoup pour les partages de vidéos. Je ne pratique pas l’anglais mais la présence est là.
Amour gratitude sagesse

Anonymous says:

.IS-ness….only Presence…Thank you Mooji

Anonymous says:

This remind me something
When we wants so much something and nothing happened, them finally we let go totaly and foget about It, then, It happens!

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