Mooji Video: Can the Self Have a Normal Life?

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This 10 minute video is one of Mooji‘s all time best. He focuses on trying to help us understand what life can be like after Realization. After bookmarking this video (because you will want to view it multiple times), let’s listen in on this very special message…

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sethu says:

Thank you for sharing this

Ghataji says:

Thankyou Moojiji.<3

Anonymous says:

Thank you..!

simona says:

Thanks for all This
and I love the music at the end,someone know the artist name?
Thanks a lot

LynnAnn says:

Omkara. Her music is meditation to me!

Nayana says:

This gives freedom. be. …..

Maria says:

Beautiful explanation of the truth of all that we are…..thank you Mooji…a blessed light xx

Anonymous says:

Thank you Mooji; I listen to you Every night before I fall asleep; you make everything so clear and peaceful and good.

misha says:

ohmmm thank you Mooji

ruthshivani says:

thankyou.. thankyou 🙂 xx

nahid says:

Thank you for your efforts ❤ god bless you ❤

LynnAnn says:

Freedom to be here now. I am what I am searching for! Thank you Guruji

Gloria says:

“Thank You For Sharing” <3

Tina says:

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You for this profound video full of Mooji’s love and compassion! What is a “normal life”? Every one of us believes we have a normal life but it is yet completely different from the one of our friend, so which one has a normal life? When we realize that we don’t have a life but that we are the life itself … we are, in every moment, aware of how life is unfolding, regardless if we want it or not … we are aware of that something arises to the surface and sooner or later it passes away, the mind may say: pleasant off and on – but we never know the real consequences of anything that happens – so why not just enjoy the life unfolding in front of us, knowing that it is not at all personal – is that a normal life? Thank You…

Jude Covacevich says:

My dear Mooji…Blessings to all Life.

Danielle Choquette says:

Thans a bunch,Michael! Blessings _()_

Cissa Carvalho Pinto says:

Gratitude, wonderful!

Cissa Carvalho Pinto says:

GratidĂŁo! Tem minutes of wise words.

Anonymous says:

Stop making a life. Be life!

Brigitte says:

Thank you for sharing this!

Anonymous says:

Thank you Baba
Knowing self awareness and living life experiencing the momentary things without any attachments is joy and peace
for me.

Laise Maria Poerner says:

Um sábio hindu disse: “Antes de realizar Samadhi nĂłs precisamos cortar lenha e carregar água, depois de Samadhi nĂłs precisamos cortar lenha e carregar água!” A Hindu sage said: “Before making Samadhi we need to cut wood and carry water, after Samadhi we need to cut wood and carry water!”

Laise Maria Poerner says:

Um sábio hindu disse: “Antes de realizar Samadhi nĂłs cortamos lenha e carregamos água, depois de Samadhi nĂłs cortamos lenha e carregamos água” A Hindu sage said: “Before making Samadhi we cut wood and carry water, after Samadhi we cut wood and carry water”

Maria says:


I’m just playing a role, it’s not who I am.

Who I am is peace, love, a soul having a human experience.

This is not my true home, once I keep reminding myself I’m just playing out a role.

And my family members are just playing out there roles..

Thank u

Tina says:

Thank you for sharing this reminder. So love reviewing Moojiji’s earlier pointers.

Anonymous says:

Good and bad have no self meaning

Ailsa says:

Exquisite. Thank you.

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