Mooji Video: What If I Run Out of Money?

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In this 7 minute video, Mooji responds to a seeker that has surrendered her life to the realization of the “Truth” but is feeling a bit insecure financially and what is going to happen in the future.  Mooji explains that life is an adventure in being and that one should trust life to show the way for the fulfillment of those adventures.

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sethu says:

Where ever you go a garden opens up! What power!!! Love you Mooji!!!

Anonymous says:

I really appreciate this!!!!!!

eunice says:

Thank you!

Kanchan says:

Thank you for sharing these videos

Anonymous says:

Many thanks, this is powerful and helpful guidance and support.

Mary says:

Thank you!

Rajaram says:

Something similar to this happening here. Some how from somewhere the wind blows and moves and whispers your name Guruji

Nayana Gandhi says:

Thank you for this video…..!!!!

Katherine says:

I too, a few years back, was “trapped” with no money, no future, no desire to work. I was terrified. I was filled with recrimination. I was suicidal, actually. I prayed to God to care for me and show me the way. I just put my faith in him eventhough I didn’t know how to plan or take care of myself. Lo and behold what miracles. I found a beautiful place to live, money to pay for it without demand to do work that has no meaning. Every step of the way I was guided. I’ll never get over it. These miracles that came my way. Every day I am so grateful. The truth is God takes care of you every step of the way. That’s a fact! Remember the 23rd Psalm. “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures, beside still waters.” I interpret that as God always guides me and protects me he always provides the means for abundance, peace and safety. ALWAYS! My love to all.

Alin says:

Exactly my situation right now, I feel so useless and powerless and everything is falling apart. You’re comment helped me a bit..

Anonymous says:

Have faith; don’t doubt life

Diane says:

It seems so difficult for me, my body is becoming more and more useless, thank you for this video Mooji and for the people who put this together and send it

Anonymous says:

I just love this video. Thank you so very much……

piroka ekanta says:

i like very much this soul”Mooji”i would like to know where he is living and his life…please give me info….thanks

admin says:

If you would like to know more about Mooji’s life, please visit

Gunver says:

I wake up to this Mooji video, as I go through just what this woman is sharing. To get the answer to my own question just as I need it the most.
There is not a single sentence in this video that I cannot relate to, and the way it is said.
I see now that I am truly doing what is needed, and that the outside world is falling away. Thank you! Thank you! I feel so blessed!

Saraswathi says:

I’m an ardent devotee of Baghawan Ramana. I find your little videos are adding strength to the path of self enquiry. I’m a householder and I believe in ramana’s words of just wait for the flower to blossom. With your guidance I try to connect myself to the source with vigilance. Just doing what my life takes me. But there is always this question whether I’ll get the bliss before my body drops. Pls guide me.
Namaste. I’m Namo Baghavate ramanaya

admin says:

The answer to what you are searching for is in your question. You say “I try to connect myself to the source…”. Herein lies the problem. This you you are talking about doesn’t really exist. You ARE the source that you are seeking. Contemplate that. Namaste

Chris says:

Thank you.

This is exactly what I am going through at the moment.

Ralph says:

thank you! so much gratitude for all these videos that you are sending out! one request: can you lower the volume of the background music on these videos or eliminate it entirely?

Michael says:

Sometimes it can feel like you have been abandoned by the universe because you are down to the last penny and there is no prospects in site, but by living completely in the moment and surrendering everything to consciousness (God), help is coming your way in ways you could not possibly imagine.

odete santos says:

Sempre a minha gratidão. Estes vídeos têm me feito muito bem, cada tema vai de encontro ao que necessito ouvir. Namaste

Colin says:

Thank you for this ❤

Vijay Randive says:

I too going through the same situation. Life circumstances forced me to close my clinic which was the only source of income for me. It’s been 2 months I’m jobless. No savings. No much money. I don’t know what I’m going to do for my livelihood.

Sylvia says:

How touching. How so very beautiful. Thank you Mooji! It cannot be said clearer. And it is more then said. It is shown by You through You.

sunder says:

Thank you for this Mooji, I am learning trust. It’s not easy but there is no other way, I am staying on the path. There are fears that I am going wrong way and they are strong. I see my mind talking to itself, one part dreaming something nice will happen another part says You are being foolish wasting life experimenting and I will lose everything and end up in confinement. I am watching Mooji, one step at time one thought at a time. Thank you Mooji for your love and support. I purchased the retreat last year and couldn’t make it and had to cancel. I hope I will get an opportunity to come close to you.
With all my love

Suneel Sethi says:

Thank you for the very comforting and encouraging talk. Not everyone is awakened but it is always good to follow and learn from those who are. Thanks again.

Tina says:

Namaste! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for this video full of Mooji’s wisdom and compassion. We may think we can manipulate or steer life … but in fact, we can’t, in the long term. Life unfolds as it does and we never know how … but a little faith into life, courage and less worry will help us a lot. Life shows the path, takes care of us and brings us the best – whatever happens … and sometimes we disagree totally and we suffer a lot … this suffering is there for us to start the process of awakening from this dream. When we have suffered enough and can’t endure our life situation anymore … there will be an opening for us to realize who we really are. Thank You so much for Mooji’s words full of love … Namaste!

Reinhard says:

Please no more Mooji-videos on this email-Adress.
Thank you.

admin says:

PLEASE do not use this comment section to unsubscribe. Because we were lucky enough to see you post we have honored your request.

Elya says:

C’est vraiment dommage qu’il n’y ait pas de traduction en français, j’aurai beaucoup aimer comprendre le message de Mooji.

admin says:

Here is a channel that has over 360 videos translated to French:

StellarWoman says:

I needed this as inspiration. Thank you. God and Nature take care of their children.

Dave Gilbank says:

Are there any updates on this story? What happened to her? Fascinated to know?

Brigitte says:

Thank you Mooji. Now I have seen how trust can look like.

Anonymous says:

I feel happy and powerful after watching this video. Thanks Mooji Baba.

Maria says:


Wherever u go a garden will grow..

I’ll remember that.

As he says sometimes u think your forced through a door then something happens then u open a door and it brings u to a cave..

Once your life is built around trust and freedom your on your way.

Thank u

Maria says:

Trust is a positive relationship with the unknown.

Trust God.

Wherever you go a garden will grow.

Anonymous says:

“All Your Wishes will come True'”

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