Mooji Quotes: Life is So Much More Than Your Mind Can Imagine

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This beautiful three and a half minute video was created by Lucia Lagana and combines music, images, and  quotes from Mooji.

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Samantha says:

God bless us all. We are one!
Luv this mans!
Thank you Mooji
Samantha Nelson
#Worcester , Mass.

Marilyn Walter says:


Anonymous says:

so beautiful! Yes! Thank you

Erica. Kuyten says:

So endlessly beautiful. Melting in Silence.
Thank you dearest Mooji.
Love Erica

Rajda Margit says:

Köszönöm, Mooji!

Michael says:

I am that , I am; Out of Nothing in the vast see of emptiness,in stillness and silence it is replete.Namaste, Namaste, Namaste,
Now arising the blessing of thy presence…

shelley freeman says:

Love you Mooji. Thank you. Thank you.

Anonymous says:

So very beautiful . Music fills our heart with compassion. Thank You so much Mooji Guruji and team.

Summer says:

Beautifully done, however the quotes went be too quickly for me to get them read! Thank you for all of the effort taken to create this.

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