This is a very special three minute video of a beautiful combination of music, images and Mooji reciting a special version of the Lord’s Prayer. Let’s put aside EVERYTHING for just three minutes and let Mooji take us deep within our being…
This wonderful little seven minute video from 2008 can be used as a guided meditation which covers a lot of ground and is a direct pointing to the source of all-that-is within each and every one of us.
In this touching talk, Mooji addresses the growing concerns we face as a human race in the light of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. He offers great encouragement on the topic of fear, and shares guidance on how to stay true and wake up in this time of crisis.
In this lovely 8 minute video, Mooji reminds us that most of the so called obstacles to freedom are just nonsense created by the mind to distract us from the realization of the Self. Let’s listen to these amazingly wise words…
Is the life without I AM possible ? Who is the I that AM ? Can we live without that in our daily life? Let us dive deep in this beautiful invitation to freedom from Mooji and find out together not just wait for the answer but inquire deep.
In this short 20 minute excerpt from the recent Satsang Intensive in Lisbon, Mooji invites us to plunge into the heart of Self-inquiry.
This video is a must see! Listen to what Mooji has to say about the “power” of thoughts.
In this 6 minute video from Mooji, he helps us understand that very often we FEEL like a decision needs to be made which is a phenomenon created by the mind when really no decision needs to be made at that time. Listen to Mooji explain…
Mooji explains the relationship between the “Self” and daily activity and experience.
In this video Mooji describes the beginning of his realization. This video continues with a part 2 which no longer speaking of his transformation, however, if you would like to watch it, please Click Here.
In this wonderful video, Mooji speaks on the fact that we need to set the “person” aside so that the Universe can express freely. Another reminder that life wants to express through the body without the agenda of a false sense of self.
In this amazing 12 minute video, Mooji explains that the process of “self improvement” only leads to more and more projects to do because its about improving the “person”. The cause of all troubles can be eliminated by the recognition of the “Truth”.
In this seven minute video clip, Mooji explains that the person we think we are is just an illusion. Yet, even though many realize this false identification, most are still following it and investing time and energy defending it in one form or another. Mooji explains why…
In this 11 minute video, Mooji responds to a seeker who has had a very difficult life and spent many years in jail and is now ready to find love and happiness. Mooji explains that love and happiness is not found through the search for it but rather through finding that place within which is effortless and free from all desires.
In this 7 minute video, Mooji offers a response to those who truly want to be free but are afraid to loose the “me” that they feel they are because they enjoy being this “me”.
Here is a wonderful 20 minute guided meditation from Mooji called “Simply ‘I Am’ in this Moment of Presence”. Just sit back, relax and enjoy!
This 10 minute video from Mooji starts out talking about the fear of everything becoming meaningless and all the fears that come with that like becoming disinterested in others and also becoming uninteresting. Mooji responds to these concerns and goes on to talk about learning how to become comfortable with the unknown as well.
This is another wonderful 8 minute guided meditation from Mooji recorded in Rishikesh on the 9th March 2016. Just sit back, relax and enjoy!
In this 8 minute video, Mooji replies to an inquiry saying that when she goes out into the world and interact, she feels like she temporarily gets lost in others and wants to know what she can do about it. Let’s listen in on Mooji’s reply…
This super short three minute video of a Skype Satsang from long ago is one who should be watched often as it deals with a reoccurring question and issue. Because of certain thoughts and beliefs that we hold, we often feel that there are many distractions that “take us away from our true Self”. In this video, Mooji reminds that nothing can ever take us away from what we are and why this is so. Let’s listen… Includes German translation.
In this nine minute video, Mooji responds to an inquiry about how to ensure we make the best decisions and understand which of our thoughts come from the mind and which come from our intuition. Let’s listen carefully to Mooji’s advice…
In this edition of Mooji Minute, Mooji reminds us that instead of living life through our projections, which is the cause of endless suffering, we can surrender to the flow of the supreme and live a life that is in “flow” with the universe. Let’s listen to this short, yet so important video…
In this exceptional video clip from Sangha, Mooji combines humor with potent wisdom. Mooji reminds us how a restless attention is observable and that we should not believe that the mind has to be quiet in order for our meditation to be successful. If your attention grapples/hooks onto thoughts, then this video is especially for you.
We all have 15 minutes to spare. This lovely guided meditation from Mooji is less than 15 minutes long and will bring you back to yourself in deep peace, love and harmony.
This 15 minute guided meditation from Mooji will help guide your attention back to your true self. Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the golden message of truth and freedom…
In this New Year’s message of peace, Mooji invites us into a simple discovering to experience the fullness of who we are — the true peace of God within our own heart.
If you are truly interested in learning about your true nature, and what you truly are… you can literally throw out everything you have ever heard and live and breathe this video. That’s how important this video can be to you that is reading this. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been studying for many decades, the wisdom shared in this video is complete. There is nothing other than mind garbage that is beyond this. In case you missed it, you should really watch this video.
This three and half minute video offers the best Mantra one can have.