This audio clip is less than two minutes long, yet Mooji manages to remind us of the true meaning of love.
In this 10 minute clip from an interview with Amy Torres, Mooji explains that with one twist of consciousness we can shed the poison of personhood (which is not needed anyway) and what is left is the ever shining light of the pure “self”, pure consciousness, pure Awareness and pure Love. For the full version of this video, please click here.
In this lovely little ten minute video, Mooji dives in to his “two  bird” metaphor to reveal that the One that we are is actually beyond the active bird and the one that observes.  Let’s clear our minds and absorb the pointing of this video… Includes German translation.
In this 4 minute video, Mooji explains that if we seem to have a destiny then does that mean that Awakening is pre-destined as well? Let’s listen to Mooji’s awakened response…
In this very short 4 minute video, Mooji explains that freedom is a concept that only comes out of duality. Therefore, not only can freedom be your only true state but it is actually what you are.
In this 12 minute talk Mooji guide us, as always, in the most direct way to the final recognition of our true nature. Once one realizes in the heart that ‘I am not the one looking towards the source, but I am the one looking at the sense of myself searching for the source’, the journey is over. Let’s join in…
In this seven minute video, a devotee expresses that she is so happy to have finally found her Guru in Mooji and Mooji responds by explaining that the relationship between a devotee and his Guru should not be long in nature.  Let’s listen to what Mooji means by this…
Have you ever felt like you were stuck or blocked? In this short six minute video Mooji will help you understand and transcend this very common phenomenon.
In this great 10 minute video from Mooji, he asks the question “If it was available right now, to recognize your true place, at ANY COST, would you take this opportunity?” This question is asked to help reveal the possible causes for your delay.
This short but rich encounter takes place as Mooji is arriving at the airport to catch a flight. Some Sangha members meet him at the airport and share what they have been finding through Mooji’s pointings. With little time to spare, Mooji’s words speak straight to the heart and reflect the quintessence of Satsang.
In this 3 minute Mooji Classic Moment we hear Mooji describe how the world looks through his eyes and his belief that this inner peace is possible for anyone. Let’s listen to this amazing wisdom…
In this LOVELY 4 minute video, Mooji reminds us that it is quite easy to falsely assume that you have let go of everything when in actuality you may not have let go of the biggest culprit in your bondage.  Let’s listen to Mooji as he explains…
This 10 minute video from Mooji is a clip from Rishikesh Satsang on 13th March 2016.  He tells the story of Lakshman to demonstrate that as long as there is arrogance, as long as there is any identification with the body/mind, the questions that come forth will be “false” questions that can not be answered with the Truth.
In this five minute video, Mooji explains that the reason it is possible to experience happiness, even through what appears to be troublesome times, is the fact that the nature of the self IS happiness.
In response to an inquiry from a seeker, Mooji explains that the correct relationship between the psychological mind and the “Self” is that the “Self” can live without the mind but the mind cannot live without the attention of the “Self”. In other words, the “Self” is the master and yet it has become the slave of the mind. Isn’t time to take back your power? Listen to Mooji’s words…
In this video Mooji explains the mechanism of God, person and pure self. This is one of Mooji’s ultimate videos that explains in simple terms how it all works.
In this 5 minute video Mooji addresses the super popular question, “How do I stay as the awareness?”.  The answer will surprise you. Please pardon the music in the background.
In this great 5 minute video, Mooji explains that we are consciousness itself and that once this is realized, there is no need to try to get rid of the “person”. The person is demonstrated to be only a myth, only a shadow.
In this super short four minute video, Mooji responds to a seeker that is having a little bit of trouble with fears of going back out into the world and loosing that special space experienced in Satsang.  Let’s listen as Mooji explains that no matter where one goes, we just need to remain as the self and just see what comes…
In this great 11 minute video, Mooji responds to an inquiry who wants to know why most Indian Masters say that Self-Realization takes many years of practice, and you say that it is available to all right now.  This is a common question and Mooji has a wisdom-filled reply…
This 15 minute guided meditation from Mooji will help guide your attention back to your true self.  Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the golden message of truth and freedom…
Mooji explains, “All this existence that you see is inside you”, it’s a world according to you!
In this super short video, Mooji reminds us that we are not the body, we are not our thoughts, and that being what we are requires no effort of any kind. Only the mind needs to struggle and overcome obstacles.
In this Mooji video we are exposed to the fact that, “Through the ‘I am’, the presence of the Absolute is felt.”
In this seven minute clip we find Mooji covering a lot of ground to remind us that we live in a world according to the witness within and that we are coming to the end of a long journey that is taking us from person to presence.
In this great video clip, Mooji takes a seeker from a place of total confusion and emotional wreckage to a place of total peace and helps her to realize that this peace is always present and available buried under all the noise of the mind.
In this wonderful 10 minute video from 2007, Mooji emphasizes that in order to be able to recognize the “Self”, we must make sure that we are not holding on to ANY idea of what awakening is like, or what the “Self” is like, or ANYTHING else for that matter. The video is not the best quality but the message is supreme.
This nine minute video focuses on shedding the body/mind identification or at least seeing its unreality. Mooji explains that the body mind identification can only live through the power that we give it, whether knowingly or unknowingly.