In this 8 minute video Mooji provides a teaching on I AM consciousness based on Jesus’ famous statement that “no one comes to the Father except through me”. Let’s listen as Mooji offers some insight into Jesus’s teachings…
In this short 6 minute video, Mooji answers a very, very common question that brings a lot of confusion to many. How are we suppose to know when we have finally awakened? Listen (with your heart) to what Mooji says…
This short 3 and half minute video contains all the truth one needs to realize the self.
This nine minute deep inquiry will bring you to the discovery that will change everything. Mooji explains in a clear and consistent manner the only discovery that needs to be made and the effects of this discovery. Let’s get started…
Mooji explains that change is inevitable and that it should be welcomed into our life. Accept the changes of life from a place that is unchanging within you.
Here Mooji presents a beautiful small, yet powerful exercise that can be done without effort and help you to spend a few minutes to be light and free.
This is an AMAZING video. It deals with several subjects at once: It helps deal with the feeling that nothing is of interest anymore Mooji describes what his journey was like when he had nothing at all. Also confronts “What is my purpose?”
In this super clear and direct 9 minute video, Mooji takes us step by step into our true nature and the whole Truth about Awakening. If you want a short and accurate description of “Awakening” then lets get started…
In this great little clip, Mooji takes Russell Brand into a deep state of inner looking using a mini guided meditation called, “The Invitation”. Are you ready to feel one with the Self? Find a quiet place and lets get started.
Mooji met with some Sangha friends from the nearby village. What started off as a short visit for a cup of tea, turned into a profound inquiry into the nature of the Self. This Satsang is full of essential pointers that are a great aid for anyone seeking spiritual liberation.
This is one of Mooji‘s most passionate short videos ever recorded. On one of his walks, Mooji responds to everyone and to thousands of questions sent to him on an ongoing basis about all the issues they think they are experiencing that is keeping them from freedom. THIS 4 MINUTE VIDEO IS A MUST SEE FOR EVERYONE!
Join us as we witness the beauty and love emanating from Mooji, and the sharing of love directed at Mooji in these special moments beautifully captured and shared. Let’s enjoy…
In this inspired 20 minute video, Mooji guides an earnest seeker to go beyond fear and other distracting mental forces by engaging in a subtle and profound self-inquiry, the result of which can be felt instantaneously.
This 15 minute guided meditation from Mooji will help guide your attention back to your true self. Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the golden message of truth and freedom…
In this very short two and a half minute video, Mooji drives home the message of seeking to realize our true nature for a permanent source of happiness rather than the temporary joy of the flesh. Let’s listen…
In this lovely 8 minute reminder, Mooji explains that “My job in this life here with you is to remind you of this–to come to the place of the ‘I am’, the consciousness, which is not mixed up in all these things. It’s your time to wake up.” Let’s continue…
In this short video Mooji uses a story that he has told many times to answer a common question. Many of us want to know… with everything we have to deal with in life, how is it possible to stay as the self like you say. There are too many distractions. It doesn’t seem possible. The answer is really quite simple…
In this lovely little eight minute video, a seeker wants to know about karma and how it relates to the self and freedom. Mooji explains that the first thing we need to understand is that Karma has nothing to do with the Self and only applies to the activities of the “person”. Here is his explanation…
In this 9 minute video Mooji answers the question from an enquirer who wants to know why he doesn’t feel the blissful state that is associated with freedom even though the “me” is gone. Mooji shows us how tricky the mind can be and that we should have no expectations of what it is like to be free.
In this seven minute video, a devotee wants to know what to do with the thought she is having saying, “Am I Liberated Now?”, “Am I free?” Let’s listen to Mooji‘s reply…
This 16 minute guided meditation from Mooji will help guide your attention back to yourself in deep peace, love and harmony. Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the ultimate message of truth and freedom…
In this eye opening video, a questioner wants to know the difference between Awareness, Consciousness and the Self. Mooji begins by explaining that the “Self” is the source which springs forth the entire universe and how “it” relates to Awareness and Consciousness. Let’s listen…
In this lovely seven minute impromptu Satsang from Monte Sahaja, Mooji tells the story of the tarantula that complete sheds his outer shell almost intact and relates it to our ability to shed our identity with the ego. Please enjoy…
In this seven minute video, Mooji tells the parable of “the man in the desert” to remind us that our mind and our thoughts can seem very real and tempting but we must remain in our true place and see the illusion they present to us.
This beautiful short video gives us perspective on dreaming vs the truth.
In this 20 minute video, Mooji offers grounding guidance to a devoted student seeking help. He encourages her to continue with the current exercise, saying that these fluctuations from person to presence are normal in the process of awakening.
In this five minute video, Mooji reminds us that even though we all come with a certain amount of programming (conditioning), this programming is not important and doesn’t have to be worked on or worked through. Let’s listen in on this EXCELLENT message…
In this 6 minute classic clip, Mooji helps us see that every night we are given a major clue into our true nature. He explains that even in our dreams we are not in charge of what is going on even though the entire world we are experiencing is completely created in our minds.