This nine minute guided meditation from Mooji will help guide your attention back to your true self. Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the golden message of truth and freedom…
In this very short 4 minute video clears up the misconception around the directive “Stay as Awareness”. Mooji explains that not only is it hard, it is quite impossible for “you” to stay as awareness. Watch this video to discover the mistake that is being made. In reality, “Staying as Awareness” or “Remaining as Awareness” is completely effortless.
This beautiful three minute video was created by Lucia Lagana and combines music, images, and quotes from Mooji. This video is inspired by the words of Jesus Christ claiming “I am the way, the truth and the life.”
In this short video, Mooji replies to the question “Is It REALLY Possible for Ordinary People to Realize the Self?”.
In this well produced 15 minute compilation we find “7 Life Changing Enlightened Messages” from Mooji in his usual style and infinite wisdom. Let’s not waste another second and get started now…
For anyone who has been on a spiritual search for a length of time, we have all heard the saying that “The world is not real” which contradicts our senses that tell us otherwise. In this great seven minute video, Mooji explains the exact meaning of this statement. Let’s listen…
In this wonderful 5 minute video, Mooji reads from the Avadhuta Gita.
This short Mooji video is a DIRECT pointing to the self. It also discusses how the mind (or most anyone else) doesn’t want you to recognize because then they will loose power over you. Brilliant!
In this short 5 minute guided meditation, Mooji encourages us not to get caught up in small personal problems that are exaggerated in our own consciousness. He reminds us that we are the light of consciousness that never goes out, and guides us to begin to appreciate our Being – the Eternal One – thus breaking the spell of separation.
Do you feel like you are experiencing some problems? This video belongs at the very top of “My Favorites” There are 3 major pointings in this video: 1) “If there is no identification for anything that happens… there’s NO PROBLEM! 2) “It’s all just a happening”, even your body is just a happening by itself. You did not ask for this body. It is just happening. 3) “Don’t take responsibility for what is happening by itself.”
In this eight minute video, Mooji responds to the question, “Is It Possible to Experience Unconditional Love in a Romantic Relationship?” Mooji explains that first it must start with a place of wholeness within you and that true unconditional love is not based on demands or expectations.
This 20 minute guided meditation from Mooji will help guide your attention back to your true self. Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the golden message of truth and freedom…
Mooji provides clues about vigilance and attention.
In this beautiful ten minute audio from one of his podcasts, Mooji points out how important it is to have the qualities of trust, faith and openness alive in you. Let’s sit back, close our our eyes and listen…
In this lovely 15 minute guided meditation, you can plunge into natural ‘being-ness’ with Mooji‘s guidance. Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the golden message of truth and freedom…
This short five minute audio clip is from a super popular video clip that has been shortened to provide us with a quick reminder we can listen to often. This is a great little clip to listen to first thing in the morning to keep us on track for the rest of the day.
Recently, Mooji has put a powerful focus on taking time to simply sit and bring our full attention and focus to resting in and as pure awareness. We are happy to share this powerful guided exercise with you in support of the full recognition and awakening to the timeless Self.
In this 12 minute video, Mooji responds to three of the most common questions coming from the ego. If I am already the “Self”, why don’t I know it? Once I realize the “Truth”, what will my experience be like? Since only the real exists, does it really matter whether I awakened or not? Let’s listen in on Mooji’s replies….
In this four and a half minute video, Mooji describes in simplest terms what in “Awakening” and what it means to be “Awakened”. Extremely well put and simple to understand with Spanish subtitles.
In this 6 minute video, Mooji explains the first monumental discovery. Those who have this discovery for themselves often wonder what is next, or where to go from this discovery, but Mooji explains that there really isn’t any other discovery to be made.
In this super short 5 minute guided meditation, Mooji encourages us not to be entangled in small, personal troubles that are exaggerated in our own consciousness. He reminds us that we are the light of consciousness that never goes out, and guides us to begin to appreciate our Self—the eternal One—thereby breaking the spell of separation.
In this intimate and powerful 26 minute talk, Mooji not only evokes the direct experience of unchanging awareness, but he also empowers us to confirm this here and now, in an authentic way. He inspires us to contemplate deeply, confirm our true place and discover the joy of living as impersonal awareness.
This 24 minute inquiry is a profound investigation into what is true beyond all appearances. Mooji emphasises the need for a mature seeker of Truth to be willing to let go of attachment to personal identity, and discover that which is beyond the relative world. With compassion and clarity, he guides us to see that much of what we consider to be our ‘self’—our thoughts, feelings and even the person we think we are—are impermanent and unreliable. The seeming solidity of our personal identity is questioned, revealing that it is ultimately perceived by something far more stable, pure, and timeless.
In this amazing 12 minute video, Mooji explains that the process of “self improvement” only leads to more and more projects to do because its about improving the “person”. The cause of all troubles can be eliminated by the recognition of the “Truth”.
Mooji explains that often undesirable circumstances can be the best opportunity to realize the “Self”. We must use our circumstances as a tool to open the door to the self.
This is another wonderful 10 minute guided meditation from Mooji
In this amazing 5 minute compilation we find 3 Platinum Mooji Reminders. These short clips provide some of Mooji’s most popular and most important teachings of all time. With the Platinum series, you are guaranteed to find only the BEST that Mooji has to offer. Please enjoy and bookmark…
In this video Mooji reveals that not even the masters can completelyescape the momentary return of the false sense of self. Be kind toyourself and welcome anything that presents itself.