In this 22 minute heartfelt exchange, a student shares the transformation he has experienced through Satsang, but still seeks help with anger that occasionally arises in daily life. Moojibaba responds clearly and practically, highlighting the identity of the one who is apparently struggling with this issue. Through the guidance of observing with detachment, the anger is used as an opportunity to recognise our true nature as the uninvolved witness.
This edited Mooji moment is only 2 minutes long but contains a substantial message and shows Mooji as the beautiful natural being that he is.
This beautifully produced one hour documentary about Mooji is a MUST see. To find out more about the creators of this awesome documentary,please go to
In this brilliant 15 minute video, Mooji reminds us that life is just like a movie. “You know (the surface movement) is a movie; can you watch without identifying? …. why are we so hypnotized into this identity?” Let’s find out…
Do you have 15 minutes for freedom? In this BEAUTIFUL guided meditation, Mooji takes us into our hearts where he plants the seeds of eternal wisdom. Let’s just sit back, relax and enjoy!
If we take look at our life we will see that we always imagined that we are the something and that something is aware, but what if it is totally different ? What if nothing is dreaming that is something ? Let’s listen to Mooji’s amazing explanation…
In this twelve minute video filmed in Satsang (Rishikesh, 2016), a young man is extremely frustrated that he keeps trying and trying to realize the Truth and is ready to give up. Let’s listen in as Mooji calmly responds to his frustration and misunderstanding…
During this beautiful 11 minute clip from a morning walk, Mooji shows us in a simple way how to overcome challenging states of mind and clarifies that our current state is not a true reading for who we really are. Let’s clear our minds and listen…
In this 6 minute video from Mooji, he helps us understand that very often we FEEL like a decision needs to be made which is a phenomenon created by the mind when really no decision needs to be made at that time. Listen to Mooji explain…
In this video Mooji uses a joke to demonstrate that even though we may be saying “Thy Will Be Done”, on the inside, the ego says “My Will Be Done”. Surrendering to “what is” is not about trying to conform reality to our own projections.
In a one on one interaction with a devotee, Mooji explains that in order to truly understand what he is sharing with us, it is necessary to drop ourselves and go beyond the notion of a person.
In response to some of his students, Mooji lovingly challenges everyone to make use of this clear inquiry which when followed earnestly, has the power to reveal our true nature as pure consciousness.
In this simple and powerful 18 minute introspection, Mooji guides us into the clear recognition of our own timeless being. Mooji explains, ““Whatever is perceivable, you are already here. You don’t have to work for peace or love, spontaneously they will manifest. All that is beautiful and pure of consciousness is already within you. Be grateful to the recognition of your own silence, your own self. It is the Lord of the universe, manifesting in each heart.”
Mooji explains, “If you identify with the body, then surely you will die. But if you identify with who you really are, you will know that there is no question of dying as you are the everlasting life that springs forth the entire Universe.”
In this inspiring short 11 minute spontaneous video, Mooji shares very simple and practical advice on how to begin the day grounded in presence. Let’s get started…
In this wonderful ten minute video clip, a seeker says that she has had enough of the psychological mind and asks Mooji to help her end it once and for all. Mooji explains to remain steadfast and that “at one point, you are going to vanish and what will remain will be your real self”. Let’s listen closely to his advice…
In this VERY FUNNY video based around his windshield wiper story, Mooji helps us realize how ridiculous the obstacles are that are distracting us from always remaining as the Self. Let’s listen and see if Mooji mentions a couple of issues you may be dealing with…
Mooji answers a question where the questioner reaches a state of stillness and yet is overwhelmed with sadness and wants to know what to do. This occurs in quite a few people and has to do with a cleansing process.
In this super short three minute audio clip, Mooji reminds us that first we must realize the perceiver at the root of all perceiving and then answer the question, “Can the perceiver be perceived?”. Let’s listen…
In this nine minute video from Mooji, he takes us through the cycles of being a witness to the world. The point of this excursion is to realize that there is “something” that does not come and go and that this “something” is always here within us.
How to know what is truth ? What is truth after all ? Is the truth freedom ? Is the truth love ? Is the truth compassion ? Let us find out together with Mooji in this beautiful 11 minute video…
In this twelve minute video clip, Mooji responds to a seeker that says she has a deep desire for freedom but that there seems to be a conflict with her desire for motherhood because of attachments and other phenomenal issues that appear to be in conflict with living the “Truth”. Let’s listen to Mooji’s reply…
Peace comes from merging with the endless serenity of the Self. This 15 minute guided meditation from Mooji will help guide your attention back to your true self. Let’s remove all distractions and dive in with Mooji…
Recognition of the Truth Does Not Mean the Job is Finished. Mooji explains that recognition of the truth is normally the beginning of the assimilation of the truth. For some it can take months and for some years to fully assimilate completely into everyday life.
We must not get discouraged. It is perfectly normal to baptize our attention back into this place of seeing again and again. The mind steps in at every opportunity. This fantastic video reminds us that just because our attention goes off, that doesn’t mean we are not making progress.
In this short video clip, Mooji explains that all that is going on in this world is a play of consciousness and that soon big changes are coming. He also reminds us that the biggest change that needs to take place is for consciousness to shift its focus from the outside world to the inside world.
In this exceptional video clip from Sangha, Mooji combines humor with potent wisdom. Mooji reminds us how a restless attention is observable and that we should not believe that the mind has to be quiet in order for our meditation to be successful. If your attention grapples/hooks onto thoughts, then this video is especially for you.
This 10 minute guided meditation from Mooji will help guide your attention back to your true self. Let’s just sit back, relax and listen as Mooji provides the golden message of truth and freedom…