Awakening or Enlightenment is not for the self. The self “IS”.  The entire process and realization is only for the mind.
Mooji answers the question “Is it possible to live the truth?”
Mooji explains that consciousness wants to experience anything and everything it can through this body, but in doing so it gets more and more hypnotized into the dream of being the person. Once we have reached a certain maturity, it is time to wake up from the dream and realize that we can still experience without identifying with form.
This video was taken over 7 years ago and delivers the same message as today.
In this short video, Mooji provides massive insight into our “wants” and “desires”.
In this 10 minute video, Mooji helps us think about, “Who is trying to make life a certain way” and “Does this one truly exist and where is it located?”  Upon introspection we find that there is this “entity” that is trying to get things done a particular way, there is the one that is watching all of it and not participating, and upon even closer examination we find that neither one can be found.  Let’s listen in…
This 8 minute video is one of the most precious Mooji videos. It explains what it is like to BE life as the self.
Other than for practical purposes, Mooji explains that there is really no need for planning. It goes against everything we’ve been told, but we need to realize that “life” is truly in control and there is no need for plans.
Any type of “blockage” we feel we may have preventing us from realization is only noise from the mind.
This video is a must see!  Listen to what Mooji has to say about the “power” of thoughts.
The mind is our SERVANT, and not the other way around. Don’t try to stop your mind…don’t try to change anything… just sit back and watch the show, otherwise your very objection to what you “don’t like” is feeding energy and power to it. Let your thoughts do what they do, just don’t identify with them.
When you say “I”, who is speaking? Are you speaking as the person or consciousness? This video will bring you back to your true place in under 9 minutes.
In this short video, Mooji provides such a lovely way to deal with feelings or inertia or restlessness. This is a must see, five star video.
Everyone has experienced wanting to know what to do when faced with a decision. In this awesome short video, Mooji explains the key to decision making. This is a FIVE STAR video.
This short 6 minute video describes the principle that there can be nothing without you appearing as the “I”. This is the master key to the ultimate understanding of how the physical world comes into being.
We must not get discouraged. It is perfectly normal to baptize our attention back into this place of seeing again and again. The mind steps in at every opportunity. This fantastic video reminds us that just because our attention goes off, that doesn’t mean we are not making progress.
In this seven minute video, Mooji speaks on reincarnation as a possible obstacle to realization. Perhaps because so many of his followers believe in it, or because he is so heavily steeped in Eastern tradition himself, in either case, it is noticeable that Mooji has difficulty talking about reincarnation and does not do so very often.  However, you can hear the “Truth” coming out towards the end of this video when he says “Reincarnation means nothing for me… WHO AM I who will incarnate or reincarnate?” Mooji’s entire message in a nut shell is that the only concept that separates [More]
Mooji provides clues about vigilance and attention.
In this six minute video from Mooji, he replies to a question about the process involved to realization. He replies by asking the questioner, “First, lets find out who is the one that wants to know about this process?” Mooji goes on to explain why THIS question is the one that is important…
This short five minute video demonstrates Mooji‘s beautiful view of religion.
Mooji speaks of the fact that we don’t need to decide which thoughts or concepts to delete. Everything is just happening by itself.
In this video Mooji explains the mechanism of God, person and pure self. This is one of Mooji’s ultimate videos that explains in simple terms how it all works.
Identify your true position. You can not come and go.  Everything else but you comes and goes.
Do you feel like you are experiencing some problems? This video belongs at the very top of “My Favorites” There are 3 major pointings in this video: 1) “If there is no identification for anything that happens… there’s NO PROBLEM! 2) “It’s all just a happening”, even your body is just a happening by itself. You did not ask for this body. It is just happening. 3) “Don’t take responsibility for what is happening by itself.”
We only need to drop everything we have read, everything else we’ve been told, only direct our attention to the source of attention, the source of all… simply awareness.  You are that!
This 6 minute video is on target as Mooji explains what could possibly be in the way of your realization.  Don’t miss this five star classic…
This short 3 and half minute video contains all the truth one needs to realize the self.
In this 8 minute video, Mooji explains that duality is not a fault, “You can only experience through duality… You can not even have awakening without duality.  You are prior to this concept.”