Mooji Videos: True Silence is Not Practiced

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In this eleven minute video from Mooji, he explains that “The ocean does not require that the waves are still to be more ocean like.”  In the same way, the self does not require the end of activity to be more the self. Let’s listen in on Mooji…

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Starshine says:

Thank U Mooji n ur staff…
So much stillness….

Nayana Gandhi says:

I am very grateful that you added my name in Satsang Videos with Mooji.

Nayana Gandhi says:

I am very grateful that you added my name in Satsang Videos with Mooji to get practical guidance….Guru’s grace is very important for wisdom of Freedom….

Oskar Schraven says:

I had a few near dead experiences and what I remember most of it is the utter silence and warm gentle calmness… and clarity, so much clarity, in what I later understood is connecting everything from inside. That what truly is. True silence is connecting Thanks!

mike says:

Perfect timing…I will not bore anyone with the details…but…perfect timing..

Rowena says:

Thank you 🙂

Margaret Schmoyer says:

Thank you for the reminder. It’s appreciated.

odete santos says:

Grata por isso

Joanne Lafond says:

if this silence is, it is not to find. who would be finding it?
And at the same time, thanks for naming, revealing, unveiling.

sally says:

Most Beautiful Presence
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Beloved Mooji Ji Baba

Ana Cecília de Carvalho Pinto says:

Thank you, Moojibaba. You answered my soul doubth

Ailsa says:

Wonderful!!! Thank you…

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