Mooji Video – Understanding the Contradictions

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Words from the Masters often appear to contradict each other. Mooji explains in this video that they appear as contradictions depending on the position of the “I”.

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Atma says:

“…. nothing has to assume the form “I” to even speak even. This I can accept….” This is video is amazingly power-filled. Thank you Guruji.

Diane says:

So helpful, thank you

Pronti says:

Thank You, Mooji. All the video’s I get daily are extremely helpful and always take me to my true place.

sally says:

Thank you Always a Favourite Beloved Om Shanti Om Shanti

odete santos says:

Gratidão Mooji Namaste

Lalitha Shivanandan says:

Hi Mooji,that I is …
It’s Silence.i experience only doutlessness….a very nature of me
Love u

Claudia says:

♥️Very helpfull

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